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The #1 Reason So Many Women Avoid Intimacy With Their Man

A normal woman LOVES intimacy. It's what she daydreams about. It's what her fantasies are filled with. It's what she wants all the time.

If that's true, why then do so many women avoid, withdraw from, and resist intimacy?

Actually, normal women – women who are emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually healthy – do NOT avoid, withdraw from, or resist intimacy.

They do however, MOVE AWAY from the feeling of being USED.

Women DO withdraw from being an ACCESSORY that's "pulled out" and "used" on an "as-needed" basis.

Women DO resist a man who ignores her and pays no attention to her until he wants something from her.

Bluntly, women avoid being a meaningless, valueless "masturbation hole".

Imagine, if your wife completely ignored you EXCEPT for when she wanted you to pull out your wallet and give her money.

It would quickly become would quickly see the link...the connection...when she's nice, when she pays attention to me, she wants money.

You'd soon realize that your wife didn't actually love, respect, appreciate, or admire you, she merely had a need for money from time to time.

How would that make you feel?

Not very good, right?

Well, now you understand how many women feel. They long ago made the connection that when their husband pays attention to them and is nice to them, he wants sex.

They long ago realized that their husband was NOT coming on to them because he actually loved her, found her beautiful, cared about her, admired her, or cherished her.

Rather, he was responding and reacting to a physical, genetic urge – much like people are physically made to seek out a drink of water when they get thirsty.

That's why so many men get a "No thanks, not interested" response from their woman. After all, who wants to be the equivalent of a meaningless, generic glass of water with no purpose or value other than to quench HIS physical thirst?

So, what's the solution?

It's not hard...

At the most basic level, intimacy that starts in a NON-sexual setting...intimacy that causes a woman to feel meaningful, valuable, pretty, attractive, special, and wanted...on a regular, on-going basis...that leads to a deep connection...a valuable relationship of mutual worth...and amazing THAT is intimacy that a reasonable, rational woman IS interested in.

So, frequently flirt with your woman in a non-sexual setting. With persistent application, you'll find your flirting generally causes her to feel attractive which triggers within her a desire for intimacy.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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5 Cool Ways To Stir Up Sexual Thoughts In Your Wife's Mind...

1. Touch your skin to her skin in unusual and different ways. For example, while facing your wife, connect the area between your wrist and your elbow to that same area on her and just hold the connection for several seconds and look at her arm(s). You can do it with both arms or just one while you use the other hand to tickle your fingertips across her forearm / underarm skin.

2. When you're tired and ready for YOU time and just don't feel like giving any more to any one else then go ahead and summon up enough extra energy to connect with your wife in a non-sexual way. Tell her that that you are exhausted and tired but that she is such a pleasure and a joy to you that you just have to bask in the sunshine of her presence for the next 15 – 30 minutes – but that she needs to turn her "sun" down a little lest she "rejuvenate" you to the point she turns you into a sex-maniac. And then, just really connect with her in a totally non-sexual way for the next little way. You might just find that the attention you've given her even when you're tired causes her to start coming on to you...and that you have "just enough" energy left...

3. The most sexual, erotic thing you can give a person is YOURSELF. In fact, one could say that "giving yourself" is sex. And, with that thought in your mind, carefully consider what it is that you're giving your wife. Is what you're giving resulting in the kind of sex you want? Or, is it time now to change what you're giving so that you get a different kind of sex? Either way, give yourself in a way tonight that will cause your woman to have sexual thoughts – even if you have to step outside your comfort zone.

4. Be brave enough to tell your wife what you want from her sexually. Tell her at a time when she will have some time to process it alone and prepare herself appropriately – like some morning when you've got a little time and then are going to be parting ways for the day. Most people don't realize just how appealing it is to their spouse when they are straightforward and honest about what they want sexually.

5. Let your wife know that you would NEVER cheat on her as long as she is your woman. Let her know that even when there are issues that need to be dealt with – even when there are problems affecting attraction and intimacy that you want to work through those issues and problems but that you will not cheat on her because you respect and value her too much. Let her know that the relationship you have with her is far more important to you than a mere fling with someone else.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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Is Your Happiness Dependent Upon Your Wife?

Way too many men are obsessed with their wife and obsessing over her.

In some cases, their ego and their self-worth is totally wrapped up in HER looking good and other men noticing her – which then makes them feel important and special.

The weird thing is, as much as they want other men to notice their woman so that they get validation and a feeling of worth as a result of that attention, they get major depressed when their woman does what she's going to naturally do – respond to that attention from other men.

And, as is frequently the case, when she goes so far as to actually do something with another guy, well, then he really gets upset – so much so that he's almost suicidal.

In other cases, men have their ego and self-worth wrapped up in whether or not their wife is noticing them and paying attention to them. And if she's not, then he becomes very upset – often becoming violent and abusive – if not physically, then certainly verbally and emotionally.

In either case, the result is that he ends up projecting a powerfully negative mood which means he becomes ESPECIALLY REPULSIVE to his wife.

Now, his insecurity and neediness comes shining through bright and clear and it really REPELS his wife.

What about you?

If you tend to have negative mood swings based on your wife paying attention to other men OR not paying attention to you, then LET THAT BE YOUR SIGN that you need to...

"Disconnect your well-being from your wife (or your job or any other external person or thing for that matter) and ENTIRELY connect your well-being to the inevitable, unfailing, dependable love, goodness, and providence of God Almighty and the ability He has given you to both learn, develop and enhance yourself and to achieve and accomplish good things."

For some people, that's hard to do. It's hard for them to LET GO and trust that God will arrange good for them behind the scenes if they'll do their part of putting forth the necessary effort.

But, those who do LET GO and LET GOD and focus their energy and thought towards LEARNING, APPLYING, ACOMPLISHING, and ACHIEVING find that life becomes a much happier, much more enjoyable experience AND that they become a much more attractive person.

Think about it...if you didn't need your wife to draw the attention of other men in order to feel good about yourself, isn't it true that the odds of her "fooling around" would be way less?

Think about it...if you were to choose to be happy and to seek out the pleasant and positive in everything – regardless of whether your wife was directing her attention towards you – wouldn't it be easier for your wife to WANT to direct her attention towards you?

Clearly, the answer to both questions is a resounding, "Yes!"

That means it's to YOUR benefit to disconnect your well-being from people and things and to connect it entirely and totally to God through Jesus Christ.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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The Basics of Frequent Sex

Sometimes, men just need to set aside all the stuff they are busy with and do a few things that really matter.

When was the last time you slowed way down and just touched your wife in a way that conveyed to her that you "liked" her?

When was the last time you stopped what you were doing and looked your woman so deeply in her eyes that it almost stopped her heart?

When did you last have a real conversation with your lady that forged a powerful connection between the two of you?

Guys are incessantly wanting more sex with their wife but they aren't touching her in those non-sexual ways that lead her to the sexual touches.

Guys are forever wanting more sex with their woman but they aren't giving her that eye-contact that causes her to access her feminine/sexual side.

Guys are always wanting more sex with their lady but they aren't communicating with her at that connecting level that takes her to a sexual connection.

Fellows, it's the non-sexual forms of intimacy that pave the way to sexual forms of intimacy.

If sexual frequency is a problem in your marriage, then perhaps you should check up on the frequency of which you touch, look, talk, and connect with your spouse.

As YOU diminish the frequency at which you do these things, YOU cause the frequency of sex to also diminish.

As YOU stop doing these things, YOU cause your relationship to become more like a platonic brother-sister relationship than a spicy, steamy, passionate husband-wife marriage.

Ask yourself this question, "Would I rather have a roommate or a lover?"

If you'd rather have a lover, then maybe it's time for you get back to some basics and do some things that you know to do.

Frequently hug your wife. Touch her in a positive way.

When you talk to your wife or she's talking to you, look her in the eyes. If there's never an eye-connection, there can't possibly be a sexual connection.

Engage in connecting talk every day. What good things happened today? What lessons did you learn? What examples of what works well and what doesn't work so well did you observe? Share these things with your wife. Find out the same things from her.

But, don't stop there. Make sure that you find something you appreciate in and about your wife and EXPRESS that to her. Then, have her do the same back to you. Never forget, appreciation PRECEDES affection.

There's another benefit to all of this besides the sexual one...the more you connect through touch, eye-contact, talk, and time, the less petty little things will annoy you and your wife and the fewer fights you'll have and the more peace you'll enjoy.

If such simple, little things can effect such BIG changes, why wouldn't you do them?

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.
