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Is Your Wife Faithful To You? Find Out With This Quick, Easy Test…

In the final analysis, "life" proves time and time again that a man SHOULD remain faithful to his wife and a wife SHOULD remain faithful to her husband.

And, when a man and woman are happy in their marriage relationship, it's relatively easy to be faithful.

However, in order for a marriage relationship to be happy, EFFORT - that is, management effort, maintenance effort, support effort, and giving effort - is required by both the husband AND the wife.

But, it's so easy to let that effort "slide" put it off until some future time when you "feel like it".

It's easy to feel like, "I'm just not in the mood to put in the effort right now - I just want to take it easy and relax - besides, it won't hurt my spouse to put in the effort for BOTH of us today."

And of course, the marriage relationship becomes less and less happy as time goes by.

Soon enough, it becomes easy for a man to look about and see attractive women all around. It's at this point that a man is TEMPTED with the notion of finding something "easier" - something that will “give him what he wants” but doesn't require any management, maintenance, or support effort.

There are plenty of other similar thoughts that go through men's minds - and you don't need me to tell you about them...

What I want you to realize is that we men can get so NARROW - so SELF-CENTERED - in our thoughts, viewpoints, and interests that we are often "blind" to the TEMPTATION we PUSH our wife into.

Consequently, we often don't even realize just how tenuous our marriage relationship really is.

Here's the thing...a wife wants and NEEDS her husband directing attention and desire towards her.

But, she rarely gets it - because that would require CONSCIOUS EFFORT from her husband.

Now, imagine with me now this scenario...

Your wife drives to a nearby town to spend the night with a childhood friend. After a nice visit and a pleasant dinner, your wife's friend asks your wife to go to with her to a nearby bar just to listen to a band she really likes - and the band's only going to be there for one night. Reluctantly your wife goes...and she hasn't been there five minutes until a nice-looking guy who's at least 10 years younger than her asks her if he can buy her a drink - even though she obviously has a wedding band on. Soon, another man asks her to dance with him. Shortly thereafter, a couple of guys "move in" to your wife and her friend's space and start up a fun conversation of jokes and interesting stories - all while covertly - yet clearly - expressing a sexual interest in your wife and her friend. Certainly, your wife never went with any intentions of hooking up with some strange man...but it's just so much fun...all the interest and attention...knowing that someone is attracted to all feels so nice and wonderful it is to feel like someone who's special and wanted...


How confident are you that your wife will remain faithful and loyal to you?

Have you given your wife the kind of time and attention she needs such that you know your relationship is safe?

Have you directed MANLY desire at your wife such that she ALREADY feels desirable, attractive, sexy, and pretty and isn't interested in some other man trying to give her something she already has?

Or, is your marriage relationship such that there's a high probability your wife would succumb to all the interest, attention, and desire that's being shown to her?

Is your marriage relationship such that your wife has "done without" for so long that she would be too weak to resist the temptation?

I don't think there's any need to go further with this "test" as you probably already realize there's some effort you need to go put into your marriage relationship.

Remember this… It’s HARD to sell someone something they already have plenty of!

If you’re already meeting your wife’s needs, it’ll be hard for some other man to sell her on him meeting her needs.

Special Note: If this raises feelings of jealousy within you, you’re already pushing your wife into the arms of some other man. You can try to control her all you want. She’s already on her way out. But, if this motivates you to put some loving, positive effort into your marriage, then you’re on the right track.

Copyright 2008, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.


The #1 Simple And Easy Way To Get A Loving Response From Your Wife Today…

Husband, when was the last time your wife expressed from her “heart” how much she loved you and how much she was attracted to you?

How long has it been since the loving emotions inside your wife overwhelmed her such that she couldn’t help but let you know how much you meant to her?

When was the last time your wife gushed about her heart-felt affection for you?

Whether it was yesterday or years ago, here’s what you must know…

Your wife is desperately waiting for you to stir up those emotions inside of her TODAY!

She’s hoping that you’ll say and do those things to and for her that CAUSE her to vocalize her love, attraction, and affection for you!

Actually, it’s more like a craving for her than it is a hoping.

And besides, wouldn’t it be kind of nice to hear your wife tell you from her heart how important you are to her and how much affection she has for you?

Here’s the simplest yet most powerful ways that you can cause her to do just that…

YOU convey YOUR love and affection for your wife to HER!

Now, I’m not talking about the old, boring, meaningless, “I love you” routine.

Rather, I’m talking love and affection that’s genuine and real…the kind where you:
  • Make time to TELL your wife that you’re on her side and then find a way to SHOW her that you’re on her side.
  • Make time to TELL your wife that no matter what happens, you’ll be by her side, that you’ll be there for her, and that you’ll take care of her. Then, find a way to SHOW her that you are by her side, that you are there for her, and that you are taking care of her.
  • Make time to TELL your wife that you are for her and her success – that you want the best for her and then find a way to SHOW her exactly that.
  • Make time to TELL her how important she is to you and then SHOW her that’s true by sharing some meaningful, quality time with her doing something you both enjoy.
  • Make time to TELL your wife that you are faithful to her and that she is the one and only woman you want and then SHOW her that’s the case by your deeds and actions – both publicly and privately.

Demonstration is the greatest proof there is.

There’s always a way for you to SHOW your love and affection for your wife. Sometimes, it may seem small or insignificant but eventually, even the smallest of things add up to something BIG! This is especially true in a marriage.

And when you convey your love and affection to your wife in a way that she KNOWS with her womanly intuition that you are genuine and sincere, IT WILL STIR HER EMOTIONS.

And when her emotions are stirred, sooner or later they WILL GET EXPRESSED in the form of AFFECTION DIRECTED TOWARDS YOU!

So remember this…there’s nothing that stirs the heart and soul of a wife quite like a MANLY husband expressing and demonstrating his “until death do us part” love and affection for his wife.

Copyright 2008, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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How To Get Your Wife To Give You What You Want…

Men, I’m pretty certain there’s some things you wish your wife would give you more of…

Today I aim to help you improve your marriage relationship…

Within this article, I intend to expand your awareness…

And, if you’ll permit me to, I’m going to personalize this for you a bit…

You don’t like it when your wife neglects you. You don’t like it when your wife ignores you. You don’t like it when your wife is too busy working one something else and has no time for you.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife pays no attention to you. You don’t like it when your wife refuses to express and show her love for you. You don’t like it when your wife is unsupportive or uncaring. And, you certainly don’t like it when your wife withholds affection and intimacy.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife nitpicks at things. You don’t like it when your wife nags on you about something that irritates her. You don’t like it when your wife belittles you. And, you certainly don’t like it when your wife criticizes everything you say or do.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife puts the blame for some problem on you. You don’t like it when your wife makes accusations against you – even if they’re true. And, you definitely don’t like it when your wife is verbally or emotionally abusive.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when you feel insecure in your marriage relationship. You don’t like it when you’re unsure if your wife is loyal and faithful to you. You certainly don’t like it when you feel like you’re second – maybe even third or fourth – string and some other man is the first string.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife gets frustrated over something and takes it out on you. You don’t like it when your wife gets mad about something and you get to feel the heat of that anger – even if it has nothing to do with you – or it has everything to do with you.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when you find out that your wife has told other people about your weaknesses, faults, shortcomings, or mistakes. You don’t like it when your wife reveals personal, private information out of turn – especially when it portrays you as inept or inadequate.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife is open and friendly with other people but cold to you. And especially, you don’t like it when your wife won’t talk about issues with you but she’ll go talk about them with other people.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife acts like she always has to get her way – or else! You don’t like it when your wife acts like nothing you do is ever good enough. You don’t like it when your wife undermines you. You don’t like it when your wife tries to change you. You don’t like it when your wife is possessive or jealous.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife is selfish. You don’t like it when your wife feels like she should get all the money, all the attention, all the good first – and if there’s anything left over, well, then you can have some too. In fact, you don’t feel any attraction at all towards your wife when she operates in an arrogant, ego-centric, self-centered way.

Neither does your wife!

You don’t like it when your wife fails to take care of herself. You don’t like it when your wife fails to take care of her work. You don’t like it when your wife fails to carry her share of the load. You don’t like it when your wife simply doesn’t care about things – especially the things that have to do with having a smooth-running home and marriage.

Neither does your wife!

Now, think about all the things you’d like for your wife to give you.

How do you get your wife to give you those things?

Well, as you now can clearly see, in many ways, the very things that you want are also the very same things that your wife wants.

And, by graciously giving your wife more of what she wants, you pave the way for YOU to get back more of what you want too. You open the door for your wife to give you what you want.

Copyright 2008, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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How To Get Your Wife To Say “Yes” To Intimacy More Often…

Men, in order for you to enjoy intimacy more often with your wife, there are some things she needs you to do differently…

When you come home at the end of your work day, your wife needs you to have a genuine attitude that lets her know she’s the person you’ve wanted to be with all day…that you’re excited to see her…that you’re anxious to spend time with her.

I can assure you, a dull husband who puts off a vibe that home is a dull place he goes to at the end of a dull day with dull people does NOTHING to sexually stimulate his wife!

So, when you get home, make REAL eye contact with your wife. Give her a warm, sincere greeting. And then, spend some time with her.

As before, I can assure you, no wife gets turned on sexually by a husband who blows in the door, grunts at her as he passes by, and then ignores her the rest of the evening in favor of more work or the TV.

On the subject of TV… Would it seem to an observer that you’re “more” married to your TV than your wife?

The thought that goes through many women’s head as they say “No!” to their husband’s sexual advances is, “Go “hump” the TV – that’s “who” you’ve spent all evening with!”

As simple as it may seem, many marriages would improve IMMEDIATELY if the husband would just turn off the TV and start interacting with his wife.

Men, being dull and boring doesn’t work when it comes to turning on a woman sexually.

The fact that men tend to be OUTCOME oriented means that they naturally tend to be PROCESS oriented…they want to know what process they need to follow in order to get a certain outcome.

And in the realm of intimacy, a woman – who’s focused on the relationship side of things – finds such an outcome and process oriented man…


Now, the not-so-funny thing is, when I tell this to men, many of them just dismiss what I’m telling them as if what I’m saying doesn’t apply to them. They just flat don’t “get it” – and that’s why they don’t “get sex” very often!

So, let me give you an example of how a man’s natural process orientation gets between him and the intimacy he wants…

During the first year – give or take a little – a man spends quite a bit of time trying to learn what physical techniques his wife likes.

(As an aside, the fact that the man is paying so much attention to his wife is a major reason why the first year of marriage is usually the best – and subsequent years aren’t as pleasant.)

Once the man learns which physical things his wife likes – he’ll turn the whole thing into a scientific process.

From then on – at least until something major happens like a divorce or his wife cheating on him – the man will “apply” the exact same process to every lovemaking session he has with his wife.

And so, after a few years, it starts to look something like this…
  • On Saturday night
  • Turn off TV at 10:45 pm
  • Go through clean-up ritual
  • Crawl in bed with wife
  • Start applying preliminary physical techniques – such as kissing wife on the neck.
  • Start applying accelerator physical techniques – such as breast or vaginal stimulation
  • Go for intercourse
  • All through and off to sleep at 11:15 pm

To the woman, it becomes a STALE, REPULSIVE ROUTINE where she can reliably predict exactly what’s going to happen…she can reliably count on her husband starting "on her cold" at the same time to being "finished with himself" at the same time…like clockwork…

Such a ritual is totally UNINSPIRING to a woman.

No wonder so many women act like they don’t want sex.

They want more of a love life than to be totally ignored except for 11 pm on Saturday night.

As a counter-example, it’s kind of like trying to make love to a woman who never makes any sound and who never gives any indication of any pleasure or appreciation for the intimacy…she just lays there curiously looking at the man as if he were engaged in some freakish activity…pretty soon, the man is going to despise the very notion of having sex with such a woman. Pretty soon, this man will be looking for a new woman.

In like fashion, a wife is NOT looking for some man to merely have intercourse with. If that’s all she needed, she’d probably get herself an adult toy and stay single.

What a wife wants is for her husband to be a suitor – a man who’s wooing his woman – a man who’s showing attention too and providing excitement for a woman in an effort to attract her to him.

And when a man provides this to his wife, that’s when he’ll find her saying “Yes” to intimacy instead of “No”.

Copyright 2008, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.
