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How To Get Your Wife To Notice And Pay Attention To YOU

There are few things that impress a woman more than a man who has outstanding manners.

Now, that may at first seem rather ho-hum...why would a woman be so impressed with a man who has outstanding manners?

It's because outstanding manners demonstrate to a woman that this is a man who respects himself and who is thoughtful, considerate, and respectful of others...and that's pretty much what every woman's "dream" man is like...a high-quality man with a high level of self-respect for himself who is also thoughtful, considerate, and respectful towards her.

And so, when she encounters a man with outstanding manners, she is essentially encountering her "dream" guy...and that will always get her attention...she'll always take notice of such a man.

Might you be interested in being your wife's "dream" man?

If so, let me give you a few "starter" items that you can consider as potential improvement opportunities:

  • When someone extends thoughtfulness towards you, what do you do? Do you write them a thank-you note? Do you voice your appreciation? Do you do anything at all?
  • How aware are you of quality, beauty, craftsmanship, integrity, skill, love, wisdom, and all things that come about as a result of concentrated, applied human thought, intention, and effort? Whether it's a small child's work, the wisdom of a senior citizen, or the person who's doing a fantastic job in their business, do you even notice? Do you let them know that you recognize their gifts and talents that they are sharing with the world? Do you "light them up" with your awareness of them?
  • When you are eating, how civilized and classy are you? Do you plop both elbows on the table, hang your head over your plate and start shoveling food in? Do you smack, belch, or fart at the table?
  • What about cleanliness? Do you wash up and clean up before you join the company of others? How clean are you when you go to the table? How clean are you when you go to bed? What do your fingernails and toenails look like?
  • What about appearance? With clothes or without them, how do you look? Are you neat, trim, and groomed? Or, are you haggard, unkempt, tacky, and gross? After all, if you respect and appreciate yourself and others, you'll always strive to have a pleasing, appealing appearance, won't you?

In what other ways might you be able to demonstrate personal class and personal value through improved manners and mannerisms?

In many ways, what I'm talking about here is being a gentleman. And, being a gentleman means being a man who ACKNOWLEDGES the life-force, the uniqueness, the goodness, and the value of BOTH himself and every human being he encounters.

For a well-known example that you can model, check out a few James Bond 007 movies and pay close attention to his excellent and genteel manners and social graces.

I can assure you, when you start behaving and operating with these kinds of outstanding manners every time you are around your wife, she will quickly begin to notice you as being a man who is a cut above a man who is worthy of her attention and devotion.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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Start Getting More Sex Now! A Message For Husbands.

Husband, there's one really important person you need to look out for...YOU.

That may sound completely obvious but when you look at the behavior of many men, it becomes apparent that they are needlessly sacrificing important parts of their life.

Usually, it's in two particular areas that men don't look out for themselves...that they don't stand up for themselves...that they subvert their needs...and that's in the areas of intimacy and their children.

In the area of intimacy, many young men are conditioned by their Mother to believe that it's "not nice" to be sexual and it's certainly "not nice" to try to engage a "girl" in sex.

Further, many young men are conditioned by their Mother to believe that they are supposed to give preeminence and dominance to "girls" -- that they are supposed to put a "girls" needs and interests above their own.

The result is DISASTROUS!

It's disastrous because when these young men become husbands, they are AFRAID to take the lead...they are AFRAID to BE A MAN who leads and guides his wife and his home. And, he's AFRAID to BE A MAN who LEADS he and his wife into connection, intimacy, and sex.

Because of these fears -- and because many women won't lead a relationship in a sexual direction (at least not after marriage) he ends up in a relationship with lots of "love" -- at least on the surface level -- but with very little of the TRUE, GENUINE affection and closeness that comes with being in a highly intimate and sexual marriage.

The end effect is that he ends up quite unhappy with his wife AND his wife ends up quite unhappy with him. He's unhappy with his wife because she isn't "letting" him have intimacy and sex. She's unhappy with him because he doesn't lead the two of them into an intimate and sexual union.

It's incalculable how many well-meaning Mothers have literally DESTROYED the lives of their sons and their grand-children because of inappropriate teaching.

But, what is done is done...and NOW, it's time for men to stand up for themselves in the area of intimacy and sex...for the well-being of their marriage...and the impact upon all the various lives their marriage will have.

In the area of children, there's an unspoken belief in many women that they OWN the children -- that children are the property of the mother. With such a belief, a woman will tend to take possessive control of the children and push, drive, and direct them based upon her interests, wishes, or values and will STRONGLY resist any "meddling" from her husband.

What's particularly amazing is that men often buy into this belief too. The result is that many men don't stand up for their parental rights and they end up getting cut out of their children's lives.

Frequently, it's the case where a man will come to me looking for help after he and his wife are separated. Inevitably, when I ask him about his children, he'll say something like, "Well, I don't want to take them away from their mother..." Often, men will even say something like this even when they have teenage children pushing to stay with him.

When I delve deeper, the real deal is that the man has the belief, "I'd love to spend more time with my children...actually, it hurts a whole lot that I don't "get" to be more involved in my children's lives...but they "belong" to the Mother."

So, in this area, here is what I tell men, "Children are NOT the property of their Mom! STOP sacrificing your relationship with your children because of some misguided woman with messed up beliefs about children."

If we look at it from a Biblical perspective, we find out that all souls belong to God and that parents merely have the responsibility to care for, train, and raise any children -- any souls -- that God gives them so that they can become independent and productive citizens who perpetuate the species and create greater good in the world.

If we look at it from a sociology perspective backed up by studies and statistics, we find out that in general, people who create and enjoy the greatest good in this world -- both for themselves and for others -- are those who had a Dad who was actively involved on a daily basis in their lives. Conversely, those who create and enjoy the least good in life are those who had a Dad that was cut out of their life or who had a Dad who was uninvolved in their life.

The point is that men need to realize that the future well-being of their children is dependent upon them being as involved in their children's lives as possible which means men MUST stand up for and FIGHT if necessary for at least EQUAL involvement in their children's lives.

A husband must stand up for his relationship with his kids and REFUSE to let a woman try to cut him out or minimize his involvement with his children.

Husband, as it turns out, you are the only one who can stand up for you.

You're the only one who can demand from life and people whatever it is that you want.

You're the only one who can make sure you get frequent intimacy and a close relationship with your children.

You're the only one.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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Think Your Wife Isn't Sexual? Think Again...

See if this sounds familiar...

Your wife doesn't seem to have much of an interest in sex.

If you initiate she'll go with's not like she refuses...but she's clearly just not that in to it.

And, if you don't initiate, she doesn't seem to miss it. If you try to hold out on her, it doesn't seem to bother her -- at least as far as you can tell.

All in all, it just seems like your wife just isn't very sexual, right?


I can assure you that your wife IS a VERY sexual woman and all she needs is a man with a certain skill set -- one who is strong enough to break open her shell and pull all of that sexuality that's buried and hid deep inside of her up to the top and out into the open -- one who knows how to create a safe, open environment wherein she is free to express herself sexually -- one who knows how to go the distance and satisfy her once her clothes are off.

Actually, what I should have said is YOUR WIFE dreams of and craves a man with this skill set.

How do I know this?

It's because on a daily basis men find me and they tell me about how as far as they could tell, up until a few days ago, everything seemed ok. For years, their wife hadn't seemed to have much of an interest in sex. And so, these men let themselves SETTLE for getting less sex than they wanted and assumed that their wife was getting MORE sex than she wanted.

And boy were they wrong!

Sadly, the way they found out that they were wrong was they discovered that their wife had been with another man...and now, their wife is obsessed with this other man...and all their wife can talk about is how she wants to have sex with this other man...and how good he was in bed...and the husband is sitting there listening to his wife DUMBFOUNDED!

That's when I get the call or email.

Of course, these men are having a major insecurity crisis now and they are wanting to know what to do.

Well, the first thing to know is that whoever the other man was, he didn't have anything you you don't have. Everything he has, you've got.

The only difference was HE had taken the time to develop himself...HE had taken the time to EDUCATE himself...HE had learrned how to open up a woman into the joy and pleasure of her sexuality.

And, it's what your wife has dreamed about ever since she became a woman.

And when that man showed up, he was what she wanted so badly that she couldn't withstand the temptation.

Don't let this happen to you. Be smart enough to get educated...

Here are the four areas in order of priority that you need to educate yourself in if you want to avoid finding out that your wife has been satisfied by some man besides you.
  1. Learn what your wife's needs are, how to meet those needs, and meet those needs on purpose.
  2. Learn how to operate in a way that makes you attractive and sexy to your wife.
  3. Learn how to seduce your wife's mind.
  4. Learn how to really please a woman in bed so that she gets TRUE satisfaction and pleasure out of it instead of having to fake pleasure.

And, the exciting news is that if you'll get yourself educated, you will have the upper hand...the advantage...because intimacy and sex based on a mutually loving, trusting, exciting relationship will ALWAYS be far superior to anything that might happen in a short-term fling.

The moral of the story; your wife IS a very sexual creature.

I don't care how much she tells you she isn't. I don't care how much she acts disinterested. I don't care how much she reassures you that she's sufficiently satisfied.

If you do not have a warm, loving relationship with frequent intimacy then you can know that your wife is wanting more.

If when you engage in intimacy, you don't see your wife lose control of her body then you can know that she is sexually disatisfied.

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.



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Husbands Beware: Wives Say This Trait Is Unsexy and Unattractive

There's one thing that women know for sure...

A man who won't stand up and courageously address a situation that needs to be addressed is unsexy and unattractive.

A man who won't take care of a problem – whether it has to do with him personally, someone within his household, or someone outside of his home – is a man that a woman cannot respect, trust, or admire.

A man who won't handle business that needs to be handled will soon find that his woman resists intimacy and sex with him.

If that doesn't motivate him to get it together, then she will leave him and find herself another man.

Think about it...if a man won't do what's necessary to keep his own life operating well, how can a woman possibly entrust herself to him?

The short answer is, "She can't!"

If a man won't respond to getting cut off sexually and become motivated to do something positive, then what else is there that could possibly motivate him?

The answer is obviously, "Nothing!"

A woman realizes that ultimately, there's nothing she can do to adequately compensate for a guy who won't man up and be a man.

Sure, most women are quality enough that they'll work with their man as long as they can see he is honestly working on the situation or problem. At the same time, a woman will cut no slack to the man who isn't even trying.

In fact, there are few things that turn a woman OFF towards a man faster than seeing him do nothing when he should be doing something.

Conversely, there are few things that turn a woman ON faster than seeing a man who courageously and fearlessly takes the lead in handling a situation or a problem in a professional, classy kind of way.

What about you?

What situations or problems exist in your life and it's past time for you to tackle them?

Man up and tackle them. And, watch your wife's eyes light up with a new-found admiration for you.

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro. Permission is granted to reprint this article as is and unchanged ONLY if a resource box pointing to is included with it.
