From Sexless Wife To Sexually-Insatiable Wife

I get lots of happy, glowing emails from men who I am helping turn their marriage around…but some are so special that they just have to be shared…and the following email that I received today is definitely one to be shared…


I just wanted to let you know that things are going great.



My relationship with my wife has become beautiful. I have a wonderful relationship. From a sex standpoint – incredible – 7 times in the last 4 days. She is orgasming and squirting and has become insatiable.

All the skills you taught me in your program have enabled me to reprogram my wife’s self limiting beliefs and empower her. I threw your whole program at all the marriage problems I had.

Last night as she was coming and squirting all over me she says “I never used to cum, now I can’t stop.” and started laughing as we are fucking like crazy – and this morning when I give her a good morning hug, she says that just my touch starts to get her incredibly aroused and sexually excited.

She walks around the house smiling and happy and less stressed now.

And to think that we had a sexless marriage for years.

That seems like a bad dream that I have awoken from. And now, I can barely keep up!!!!

For all that you have done for me, I want to give back to you in some way. If there is anything that I can do for you, if it is in my power, I will do it. Just let me know.

God Bless you, and thank you from the bottom of my heart!


PS: I just wanted you to know what you have done for me, and how appreciative I am. I have tears in my eyes as I am writing all of this. Thank you sir.

This IS a very real email…that I received from a very real man.

Now, if you think that sounds like a pretty awesome position to be in as a husband…if having a wife like this man’s sounds good to you, there is a back-story that you should know about…

When this man first came to me:

1. He stated that he had been spending 2-4 hours per day for 3 years diligently and actively trying to develop himself and trying to get to better results in his marriage…and although he had made major improvements in himself, his personal relationship with his wife was not any better than it was before.

2. He had tried book after book…program after program…coach after coach…and the result of all this was that he got his wife to be a little more friendly towards him…he was able to change his marriage from hostile to neutral…but none of these other resources enabled him to create a more affectionate, intimate, or sexual relationship with his wife.

3. He had become absolutely, tee-totally convinced that his wife was one of those sexless females who would never have any interest in or desire for sex.

4. As a result of all his efforts that had gotten him nowhere with his wife, he was at the point of ending his 20+ year marriage.

Fortunately, just before this man pulled the divorce trigger, someone told him about me…and suggested that he give me a try. When this man emailed me, he emailed me a 6-page letter that included these exact words:

“I am very tired of not having any of my needs for love, passion, and sex met. I want to have a fulfilling relationship with a woman who desires me, and I am ready to go find that other woman since I can’t seem to find it in my marriage. Emotionally, I have already let my wife go. I am ready to move on….but intellectually, I would rather stay and fix this if there is any hope. I have transformed myself and led my wife from hostile to neutral, and from neutral to friendly but am stuck at friendly and feel like it may be permanently in friendly – is there a way that I can lead her from friendly to passionate and sexual? If you tell me that you can help me I will flat out just accept it and buy your program and do what you tell me to do. I will learn
your teachings and execute your teachings like a champion.”

Well, from where this man is at now…and where he was at when he first came to me…I think we can all agree this is quite the turnaround.

And my friend, such a turnaround IS POSSIBLE for YOU too!

Now, let’s go back and look at a point of particular interest from this man’s email that he sent me today…

From a sex standpoint – incredible – 7 times in the last 4 days. She is orgasming and squirting and has become insatiable. … Last night as she was coming and squirting all over me she says “I never used to cum, now I can’t stop.” and started laughing as we are fucking like crazy – and this morning when I give her a good morning hug, she says that just my touch starts to get her incredibly aroused and sexually excited.

This is a perfect example of how much of an effect a man has on his wife…whether for good or for bad.

When this man first came to me…in spite of all his personal development...he was not aware of WHAT he was doing that turned his wife off towards him…he did not understand HOW he was moving his wife away from him emotionally and sexually…he did not realize that his wife’s non-sexual behavior was predominately a response to HIM.

But, once he learned the principles of being an attractively-operating man…once he found out what his wife’s needs were…once he understood how to interact with his wife in a way that turned her on…warmed her up…and got her opened up to him…well, I think his accounting of his wife cumming, squirting, and laughing while they are sexing speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

The point here is this: same man…same wife…two very different types of relationship.

Same man…same woman…and 20+ years of an unhappy, miserable, dissatisfying, not-very-sexual marriage.

Then, the man gets his hands on the information he had been missing…and his mind filled with the awareness and understanding that he had never been privy to…

And now, same man…same woman…and they are sexing like two horny teenagers.

What about you? Are you ready to “wake up” from a marriage that seems like a “bad dream”…and get into the kind of marriage that you really want to have and to enjoy?

Copyrighted by Calle Zorro

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