The world over, there are men who desperately want to know the answer to the question, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?” These men are quite frustrated because no matter what they do, the quality and quantity of sex with their wife remains too dissatisfying. Worse still, some of what these men do results in their wife becoming even less sexual with them…which is obviously not the outcome they were wanting.
In trying to find the answer to the question, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?“, married men try all kinds of things including:
- Avoiding all arguments with their wife.
- Buying their wife expensive gifts.
- Doing more household chores and tasks.
- Letting their wife go do things by herself that are a threat to their marriage.
- Taking care of the children during their off-hours.
- Taking their wife on expensive trips.
- Etc.
In some cases, these tactics may provide a slight improvement for a very short while. But in the long run, these tactics absolutely do NOT work. Instead, what ends up happening is that the wife expects the husband to do MORE of what he is doing…all while she gives back EVEN LESS affection, intimacy, and sex.
Now, in order to answer this question of, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me“, I will first list 50 of the most common reasons why a wife stops wanting affection, intimacy, and sex with her husband:
- Childbirth has created physical problems in her sex organs…which makes sex unpleasant.
- He does not increase his earning power and thereby leaves he and his wife stagnant, stuck, and struggling in life.
- He does not keep himself clean and is hygienically repulsive.
- He engages in flirty, inappropriate interactions with other women.
- He fails to be a good father to their children.
- He fails to create sexual encounters that are enjoyable and pleasant for her.
- He handles money in foolish or inappropriate ways.
- He has cheated on her.
- He has not taken care of himself physically and has become unattractive in his appearance.
- He is a boring person.
- He is a poor decision-maker.
- He is afraid of conflict or confrontation and therefore, he does not address problems that need to be addressed.
- He is into pornography.
- He is lazy.
- He is not very manly or masculine relative to her.
- He is overly interested in her.
- He is selfish. More specifically, he is self-centered, self-focused, and self-interested.
- He leaves her feeling abandoned, lonely, and disconnected.
- He mistreats or abuses her.
- He wants her to engage in sexual acts that she is not okay with.
- His attitude towards her is that she is inadequate and insufficient in certain ways and consequently, he doesn’t value her.
- His attitude towards her is that she is inept and incompetent and he consequently treats her like she is a child.
- His manner of dressing and lack of grooming is a turn-off.
- Insecure, over-dependent children hang on her so much that the last thing she wants is a husband touching her.
- Memories (whether conscious or subconscious) of past sexual abuse block her from opening up sexually.
- She does not feel safe with him.
- She does not have enough respect for him.
- She does not trust him due to her past experiences and interactions with him.
- She feels bitterness, resentment, and anger towards him.
- She feels guilt or shame over her past sexual activities.
- She feels insecure, inadequate, and insufficient compared to his previous lovers.
- She feels like a servant instead of a wife.
- She feels undesirable, ugly, and/or not-sexy. She is insecure about her looks, her body overall, or certain body parts.
- She has a hormonal imbalance.
- She has developed a physical ailment, malady, disease, or health problem in her body.
- She has infections in her sex organs…which makes sex painful.
- She has physical or emotional problems that her body reacts to with fatigue or depression.
- She is consumed by too many unfinished tasks and projects that need to be taken care of.
- She is mentally, emotionally, and/or physically exhausted.
- She is not given the opportunity to switch out of non-sexual mode and into sexual mode.
- She is so worried and/or stressed by certain conditions, problems, situations, or circumstances that it squashes her desire.
- She is unable to relax, enjoy, and engorge…which results in sex being painful.
- She returns to the anti-sex or male-resenting teaching, conditioning, beliefs, and perspectives of her mother (or other women in her life).
- She spends too much time with others and doesn’t get enough alone time.
- She works long hours (whether at home or at a job) and simply does not have enough time to be sexual.
- Spoiled, untrained, problem-creating, trouble-making children require too much time, energy, effort, support, care, and/or cleanup from her…leaving her with no desire or energy for lovemaking.
- The busyness of life overpowers her desire for lovemaking.
- The sense of newness, excitement, freshness, and passion is gone and he does nothing to renew the passion or excitement.
- There is insufficient privacy or opportunity for lovemaking.
- When having sex, his only focus is on satisfying himself and he fails to satisfy her.
As a husband thinks, behaves, interacts, relates, and operates in the unattractive ways listed above…
As a wife feels the negative kinds of feelings listed above…
As a wife experiences the unpleasant experiences listed above…
As a wife suffers in the unwanted problems listed above…
She progressively becomes unwilling to be affectionate, intimate and sexual with her husband…she progressively becomes unwilling to get naked with her husband….she progressively becomes unwilling to open herself up to her husband or to express herself sexually with him…she progressively becomes unwilling to kiss or touch her husband…and so, she withdraws, disconnects, and closes herself off to her husband.
So now, we are back to the question of, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?”
Well, the answer is that a husband must LEARN, DEVELOP, and BECOME the caliber of MAN who KNOWS how to alleviate and eliminate all of the reasons listed above that result in his wife being turned off and shut-down affectionately, intimately, and sexually.
Now, as you scan through the above-listed 50 reasons a wife will stop being sexual with her husband, you can see that some of the reasons are related to the husband himself. That is, some of the reasons are obviously within the husband’s power to fix, change, or improve.
But, what about the many reasons listed that pertain to the woman herself…and that are seemingly outside of a husband’s ability to fix?
As a husband looks at the above list, it would be easy for him to start feeling like he is “screwed”…that he is doomed to a sexless marriage…or at least a not-very-sexual marriage…because of all the reasons that are outside of his control.
Fortunately for husbands everywhere, here is where things get really interesting…
The more of an attractively-operating, appealing, desirable, and sexy man a husband develops himself into being…the more a husband learns how to lead, manage, and handle his wife…the more a husband learns how to interact, relate, and connect with his wife in a certain manner…the more a husband learns how to think, represent, and process in a certain manner relative to his wife…the more a husband becomes able to generate and create certain feelings within his wife…the more the problems “outside of his control” magically go away on their own…LITERALLY!
For example, it might seem to a husband that his wife’s health problems are outside of his control. It might seem that there is nothing a husband can do to eliminate his wife’s health problems…especially after she has been to doctor after doctor.
But the surprising, counter-intuitive fact is that the more attractive, appealing, desirable, and sexy you become in your mode of operation relative to your wife…the more you learn how to lead, manage, and handle your wife…the more you learn to interact, relate, and connect with your wife in a certain way…the more you learn to think, represent, and process in a certain manner…the more you learn how to create certain feelings within your wife…the more all of HER problems go away…and what is left is a highly affectionate, intimate, and sexual woman who is more sexual with YOU!
As a husband, you should be very encouraged and excited by this news!
Now, if you really want to know, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?“, then listen up…
- You CAN alleviate and eliminate virtually every reason your wife is not-very-sexual…IF YOU will but develop your self into a certain kind and caliber of man who possesses a certain kind of presence.
- How sexual your wife is with you depends upon YOUR level of development in male/female relationships. The more developed you are, the more sexual your wife will be with you.
- The more developed you are in your understanding of your wife and how to satisfy her unspoken needs, the more sexual your wife will be with you…and the less the problems listed above will exist in your marriage.
- Conversely, the less developed you are in your understanding of your wife, the less sexual your wife will be with you…and the more the problems listed above will exist in your marriage.
Now, what I am telling you might seem almost unbelievable…but I myself…as well as my clients the world over…have found this surprising, counter-intuitive phenomenon to be absolutely true.
Others have proven this truth for themselves…and they are enjoying the benefits right now as a result. These are men who are no longer asking, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?” because they are now enjoying the sex they want with their wife.
And, what others have done, you can do too. You CAN prove this phenomenon to be true in YOUR marriage too…and soon enough find yourself enjoying the benefits as a result.
So, what is the answer to the question, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?” The answer is this: become the most attractive, appealing, desirable, and sexy man your wife knows.
How do you become the most attractive man your wife knows?
- You learn how to lead, manage, and handle your wife in the way that causes her to respect, admire, appreciate, and value you.
- You learn how to interact, relate, and connect with her in the way that turns her on towards you.
- You learn how to create and invoke the feelings in your wife that turn her on towards you.
- You develop and improve your mode of operation relative to your wife.
When you learn and do these things, your question will no longer be, “How do I get my wife to want sex?” Instead, your question may well become, “Am I going to be able to keep up with my wife’s sex drive?“
So, STOP asking your self the question, “How do I get my wife to want sex with me?“…and instead get busy becoming the most attractive, appealing, desirable, and sexy man your wife knows.
Do this, and assuming your wife has any rationality or normality about her at all, she will definitely start moving closer to you…opening herself up to you more…and being more like the wife you are wanting her to be towards you.
Copyrighted by Calle Zorro