Marriage Vows: My Wife Is Not Keeping Her Wedding Vows. What To Do?

Marriage Vows: My Wife Is Not Keeping Her Wedding Vows. What To Do?

Are you a husband who feels like your wife has failed to keep the marriage vows she made to you when the two of you were married? Does your wife act as if the marriage vows she made to you are unimportant, irrelevant, or even meaningless?

Did your wife vow to love you…but she is not very loving towards you?

More specifically, did your wife vow to love you in good times and in bad…and yet, no matter how hard you try, no matter how good of a time you try to give her, you cannot get her to be loving or affectionate towards you?

Did your wife vow to honor you…but she frequently dishonors you?

Did your wife vow to choose you above all others…but in reality, she chooses her children, her family, her friends, her co-workers, or anyone else she can find over you?

Did your wife vow to forsake all others…and yet, based upon who she spends most of her time with, you are the one she has forsaken?

Did your wife vow to cherish you…but based upon her attitude towards you, it is clear that she does not cherish you?

Did your wife vow to have and hold you…but more often than not, she won’t have you and she won’t hold you?

Did your wife vow to give herself to you in marriage…but given how little affection, intimacy, and sex there is between the two of you, she definitely is not giving herself to you?

If you are a husband who is answering “Yes” to these questions, then know that you are NOT alone. There is in fact many a husband who is unhappy in his marriage…who feels hurt, offended, or angry at his wife…because she is cheating and defrauding him by not keeping the marriage vows she made to him.

Now, if married women were judged based upon how well they keep the marriage vows they made on their wedding day, then MOST women would be judged as quite despicable and contemptible.

The fact is, most women were so zoomed in on being the star of the show…they were so zoomed in on being the center of attention…they were so zoomed in on playing out their long-held wedding fantasy…that they were not even really conscious of what they were saying when they repeated the marriage vows during their wedding.

The result is that the marriage vows the typical woman gave on her wedding day were really nothing more to her than a part of the ceremony…much like candle holders were a part of her ceremony.

Unfortunately, judging women based upon how they keep their marriage vows is not going to fix the problem of how negatively, non-affectionately, and non-sexually too many wives relate and act towards their husband.

More to the point, judging your wife based upon her failure to honor and keep the marriage vows she made to you is NOT going to make her be a more loving, affectionate, intimate, or sexual wife towards you.

Now, a husband can have the mindset that his wife voluntarily made her marriage vows unto him…and so, she should just therefore keep them. And in fact, there are many husbands who do have this mindset.

But, this is the mindset of “logic”…of male logic specifically. And, male logic is never ever going to convince any wife to start keeping…or to better keep…the marriage vows she made to her husband.

This will forevermore be true…because no normal wife adjusts her behavior in response to her husband’s male logic.

More specifically, no normal wife is influenced and persuaded by her husband’s male logic to change, fix, or improve her attitude or behavior towards him.

And besides, no normal husband really wants his wife to just mindlessly or spiritlessly keep her marriage vows like it was an emotionless business transaction.

In other words, no normal husband wants his wife to be the equivalent of a blow-up sex doll.

So, what does all of this mean?

Well, it means that YOUR wife is an emotional being who predominately has female-based emotional responses to YOU.

More specifically, YOUR wife is an emotional being who IS having female-based emotional responses to YOU such that she does not FEEL like keeping the marriage vows she made to you.

To expand upon that, YOUR way of thinking and operating is such that your wife finds it too distasteful or repulsive to do the things she needs to do WITH you in order to keep the marriage vows she made TO you.

Therefore, she chooses to NOT do those things…i.e. she chooses to not honor and keep the marriage vows she made to you.

In short, YOUR way of thinking and operating HAS triggered a response in your wife such that she does NOT want to cherish you, give herself to you, and so on.

That brings us to this: what is the solution to the problem where your wife is not honoring or keeping the marriage vows she made to you as her husband?

The solution is for YOU to educate and develop yourself in such a way that you are able to consistently invoke a positive, attracted, turned-on response in your wife towards you.

More specifically, the solution is for YOU to learn how to properly:

  • Lead, manage, and handle your wife.
  • Interact and relate to your wife.
  • Meet your wife’s needs.
  • Operate in a way that your wife finds appealing and respect-worthy.
  • Exhibit a presence that your wife finds attractive, desirable, and sexy.

When you have learned these things…and developed yourself so that you can consistently do them…so that they are a part of who you are…THEN your wife WILL keep the marriage vows she made to you on your wedding day.

Bottom line, there is no benefit in you generating a negative emotional response within yourself because your wife is not “logically” or “transactionally” doing what she vowed to do when she married you.

But, there is great benefit in you educating and developing yourself so that you can create the exact kind of marriage relationship that you want with your wife.

And to the specific point here…

When you have properly educated and developed yourself, your wife will WANT to honor and keep the marriage vows she made to you.  Specifically, she will want to love you, cherish you, hold you, give herself to you, forsake all others, and so on.

Copyrighted by Calle Zorro