How To Get Past The Obstacle To Intimacy Between You And Your Lady

get past obstacle to intimacy with wife or girlfriend

There is an obstacle to intimacy that brings many men to a full stop in their love life.

On one hand, these men are very aware of this obstacle to intimacy and are quite frustrated by it.

On the other hand, given the limited, simplistic, and/or flawed methods by which these men try to get past their obstacle to intimacy…and given the extent to which these men keep reusing and repeating the same basic methods (trying to get to better intimacy with their lady)…it is easy to see how blind men really are when it comes to the obstacle to intimacy that stands between them and their wife (or girlfriend).

Over and over…for years and even decades…these men ram themselves against this brick wall of their obstacle to intimacy…they pound themselves into the relational equivalent of a bloody pulp trying to get past their obstacle to intimacy.

Unfortunately for them, the more they ram themselves into their obstacle to intimacy…and fail to make it over to the other side…the more their wife loses her respect, attraction, and desire for them.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what is behind this craziness where men keep head-butting this obstacle to intimacy and knocking themselves out of intimacy success…starting with these truths:

  1. Just because you are willing to do something for your wife…or to give something to her…does not mean she is willing to reciprocate that back to you.
  2. Just because you want to do something for your wife…or to give her something…does not mean she is willing to receive that from you.
  3. Just because you want your wife to do something for you…or to give something to you…does not mean she is willing to give you what you want.
  4. Just because you are willing to extend yourself way out there for your wife…or bend way over backwards for her…does not mean she is willing to do the same for you.

And so, the obstacle to intimacy that the typical man keeps running into…almost as if he doesn’t realize it is there…is the one where he keeps reusing and repeating the same limited, simplistic, and/or flawed set of strategies and techniques trying to get his wife to:

  • Reciprocate affection, intimacy, and/or sex back to him.
  • Receive affection, intimacy, and/or sex from him.
  • Give him the affection, intimacy, and/or sex that he wants from her.
  • Extend herself to him in the same way he is trying to extend himself to her.

He cycles through his limited, simplistic, and/or flawed set of strategies and techniques trying to get a good result with his wife…but he doesn’t get the result he wants…his strategies and techniques don’t work very well…so he cycles through them again…and again…and again…and he persistently, stubbornly head-butts his obstacle to intimacy for years, often for decades, sometimes even for his entire adult life.

Sadly, the more he persists in trying to get his limited, simplistic, and/or flawed strategies and techniques to work ON his wife, the less affection, intimacy, and sex she gives him.

If you can relate to what I am describing, then here is what you need to know…

In general, females are only willing to (1) reciprocate back to, (2) receive from, (3) give to, (4) or do for…a man who they feel positive feelings of respect, attraction, admiration, and desire for.

And bluntly, your wife does not feel enough respect, attraction, admiration, or desire for you…or she would be the affectionate, intimate, and sexual woman that you are wanting her to be with you.

I am not telling you this to be mean or hurtful. I am telling you this so that you can understand what you are up against.

So, what is the solution?

The solution is to STOP using your long-used, well-worn, frequently-tried strategies and tactics ON your wife in an attempt to get her to be more affectionate, intimate, and sexual with you…and to LEARN HOW to operate as the kind of man who triggers the feelings of respect, attraction, admiration, and desire in her towards you.

The more you operate as this kind of man, the more you will find that your wife becomes the kind of lover you are wanting her to be with you…a woman who is highly affectionate, intimate, and sexual.

You can do it! You can become this kind of man who gets past the obstacle to intimacy that stands between you and your wife.

Copyright 2018 by Calle Zorro

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