Hello Husband! Have you reached the place where you are ready to learn how to seduce your wife more effectively yet? If yes, then definitely read on…
Let’s jump straight to the heart of the matter. Are you aware that your wife cannot “choose” to be attracted to you? She either FEELS attraction towards you … or she does not. As much as you might want your wife to logically choose to be attracted to you, she simply cannot do it. That is not how she is wired. And if she does not feel attraction for you … well, it is next to impossible for her to want to be sexual with you. But, you CAN change how your wife feels about you and I can explain exactly how you do that.
You see, when your wife feels attraction towards a man, it creates a bubbly excitement within her that stimulates an enormous urge within her to get in close contact with that man she is attracted to … both sexually and otherwise.
On my end, I want the man that your wife feels this kind of attraction towards to be YOU! If that is what you want too, then this is for you.
As far as your wife is concerned, attraction is not a process or response that she can control. Rather, she is genetically wired in such a way that when she encounters a man with certain patterns of behavior and certain personality characteristics, she cannot help but feel attraction for him.
It is not something she convinces herself to do. It is not something she decides to let happen. It is not even something that she chooses NOT to feel. When she encounters that certain man who operates, conducts, and carries himself in that certain way, BAM!, she instantly feels attraction. She cannot help herself.
Now, really think about this: when a woman feels attraction for a man, she does not REJECT his advances. She WELCOMES them! And, if the man is not making advances towards her on his own, then she INITIATES her own advance towards him.
Tell me … just how much would you enjoy going to bed with a woman who welcomes your sexual advances and if you are not making the advance, she initiates her own sexual advance on you?
Does that sound like your dream girl?
Here is what I want you to realize … your wife IS this dream girl and all she needs is for YOU to begin doing those certain things in that certain way so that YOU are now the one who triggers SEXUAL ATTRACTION in your wife.
How do you do that?
It is a simple matter of knowledge…
If you really want to trigger sexual attraction within your wife towards you … if you really want to create within your wife an intense desire for sex with you … you first have to be ready and willing to receive and apply the necessary knowledge.
Are you ready to do that right now?
That is an important question because how can you expect your wife to be SEXUALLY READY AND WILLING if you are not willing to receive and apply the knowledge that CAUSES her to be that way?
Believe it or not, YOUR readiness and willingness is your first obstacle. When and if you get past that one, there is another obstacle you face too…
Unless you do what I do and help all kinds of men with their marriage on a daily basis … men from all walks of life … men with all kinds of diverse situations and backgrounds … this “seduce your wife” knowledge can be kind of hard to find, gather, sort, organize, test, prove, and implement.
Probably, that is why our path has just now crossed. Probably, you want something that will take your marriage relationship to a more sexual, intimate, satisfying and fulfilling level … and here you have found it. Providence has arranged for the solution to show up in your life.
Are You Ready To Seduce Your Wife?
Now, what I am going to tell you about here is advanced material that you may not be ready for yet. So, let’s find out…
- Do you have a marriage relationship that is warm, solid, and happy?
- Does your wife trust, respect, admire, and value you?
- Do you understand what your wife’s needs are and do you meet them on a daily basis such that she is VERY happy with you?
- Are you and your wife close and connected most of the time?
- Is your wife already reasonably sexual with you?
- Does your wife exhibit a reasonable level of passion during sex with you?
If you cannot honestly say “Yes” to each of these questions, then you need to take care of some foundational marriage relationship issues first which means you need to go to this page:
Create A Happier Marriage Relationship With More Affection, More Intimacy, And More Sex
But, IF you can honestly say “Yes” to the above questions, then you are ready to become a Wife Seducer who can take your relationship with your wife to its highest, most passionate, most satisfying, most fulfilling, most sexual level.
Is that what you want to be able to do?
But, make sure you are being honest because the advanced level material I have to share with you here will backfire on you if you do not have a solid marriage relationship in place.
Please understand that trying to use these powerful wife seducing techniques on a distant, offended, or angry wife will only make her more distant, offended, or angry.
In other words, pressing the gas pedal to the floorboard and holding it there is NOT how you get an engine that is rattling, knocking and pinging to perform better. Putting a giant, high-powered engine on top of a lightweight, flimsy transmission and drive-line is NOT how you create a race car that can win races. And likewise, the kind of wife-seducing techniques I am talking about here are NOT what you apply to a cold, shut-down wife because it will be too much for her.
So again, if there is some “under the hood” stuff in your marriage that needs to be fixed first, then jump over here:
Create A Happier Marriage Relationship With More Affection, More Intimacy, And More Sex
Otherwise, let’s continue on…
There are several segments available in the “How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide” series. (Note: clicking a link will take you down to that item)
- Segments 1 through 5 — How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura
- Segment 6 — How To Be A MAN of Purpose And Money
- Segment 7 — How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His Wife
- Segment 8 — How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual
- Segment 9 — Step By Step, How To Give Your Wife A Blow-Her-Mind Sexual Experience
Let’s now explore each segment one by one…
How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segments 1 through 5 — How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura)
This is all about becoming a more powerful, more attractive man who wins his wife’s attention and affections over all others. If you are in a situation where your wife is a real driving, dominant, “I-wear-the-pants” kind of woman…
Or, if you are in a situation where your wife has cheated on you … if she has been emotionally or sexually unfaithful to you…
Or, if you are the kind of guy who is a bit shy, introverted, and not very good with people … if your social skills consistently get you “dog-piled” and “walked-on” by more socially adept people…
Or, if you are a guy who struggles with insecurity…
Then “How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura” is going to be a life-changer for you.
Segment #1
The first segment reveals exactly how to create within yourself an aura and vibration that attracts a female to you.
When you know how to create this vibration and aura, your wife will begin to notice you in a new way … as a MAN!
This is so powerful that men almost always write back and tell me that not only did their wife start noticing them in a new way but other women also began looking at them with a curious look in their eyes and a smile on their faces.
The reason this happened to them was because these women immediately sensed the power of manly sexual energy and they could not help but be attracted to it.
Segment #2
The second segment gives you a powerful and productive way to deal with and channel unfulfilled sexual desire and energy while you get things “fixed” and “repaired” in your relationship.
It reveals what to expect from your wife while you are turning your relationship with her around.
It gives you powerful tools for controlling and managing your mind.
It even answers this question: What is the secret behind a “magnetic personality”?
Actually, this segment will make you more effective and powerful in every area of your life.
Segment #3
The third segment is particularly important to you because it deals in-depth with male insecurity and specifically addresses how to eliminate insecurity so that you are the confident, masculine man your wife can truly be attracted to.
Maybe your wife has been with other men before the two of you were married and that bothers you.
Maybe, your wife has even gone so far as cheating on you after the two of you were married.
Either way, the question is, how do you measure up to other men that your lady has been with? You find out inside this segment.
You will gain an understanding of what is causing you to feel insecure and how to eliminate it and reposition yourself in a powerful, attractive light.
Further, this segment deals with the questions that torment men such as, “What does my wife really think about me compared to the other man?”
Then, this segment goes into life-changing detail on how to deal with a wife who has cheated on her husband. Even if your wife has never had an extra-marital affair, you still need to know this information.
This segment reveals what a relationship really is and how to understand it in its “true” light so that you can succeed in it.
Next, this segment goes into ways that a man’s insecurity … often totally unrecognized by him … drives away his wife. This is critically important because even though a man wants his wife to be attracted to him, his insecurity is actually REPELLING her AWAY … the exact opposite effect from what he wants.
Then, there is an important section you need to know about …
how do you “do things” so that you connect “you” to intimacy in your wife’s mind instead of some other man? The answer to this question is how you get to be first in your wife’s mind.
Finally, on top of everything else that is covered in this segment, there are eight (8) specific and powerful “mind tools” you can use to mentally replace insecurity with a powerful state of mind that your lady will find much more attractive.
Bottom line, whether you just feel insecure in your marriage or your wife has actually cheated on you, WHAT YOU DO FROM RIGHT NOW FORWARD WILL DICTATE WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR MARRIAGE.
So, for example, when a wife cheats on her husband, it is usually a “mistake” in her mind. However, it is what the husband does next that determines whether she continues to believe that the affair was a “mistake” or if her
husband is the “mistake”.
By the end of this segment a husband will know how to make sure his lady views the affair(s) as the mistake instead him.
And, if it is insecurity that you are feeling, by the end of this segment … and the next one (#4) … you will be a different man … both in your mind and in your wife’s mind.
Segment #4
Segment four reveals exactly how to be a man of CHARISMA … the kind of charismatic man that just has that something about him that draws people to him. … including his wife.
This segment reveals powerful secrets of attraction that enable a man to be the center of attention … the man that everyone in the room … male or female … wants to be with.
It reveals exactly what a man must do “inside” himself to be that charismatic man as well as what he must do with “others” to be that charismatic man.
I do not know of anything that can boost your confidence and self-esteem like having people flock to you … and this segment shows you exactly how to get that happening.
Plus, when your wife sees other people attracted to you, it will cause her to be even more attracted to you.
Segment #5
Introduces a man to “Loss-Patterns” and “Win-Patterns”. Men commonly engage in “Loss-Patterns with their wife which causes her to firmly avoid intimacy.
But, when a man understands and engages in “Win-Patterns”, his wife will not only welcome intimacy, she’ll begin initiating it.
Okay, that describes “How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura” and if this one is for you, you already know it just from reading the description of it … but there is even more that you get with this…
You Get Help And Support From The Author And Other Developed Men…
With your purchase of “How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura“, you also get access to a private forum where you can discuss the contents of this digital book with other men who have also purchased it. Over and over, men talk about how incredibly valuable my forum is because of all the help, support, encouragement, and advice they get. I fully expect it will be just as valuable to you.
Plus, there is even more that you get…
You Get A Hotline To The Author…
Moreover, should you need it, you get direct access to me, the author. I intend for “How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura” to make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your life … and that means you should have access to me if you need it. The entire objective with this digital book is for you to become a secure, charismatic man who projects a manly aura that your wife can be attracted to and turned-on by. Therefore, if you need something more than what the digital book gives you … if you need something more than what the private forum gives you … then you are welcome to email or call me up to 3 times at no additional cost. (Should you need more than three calls, I am still available to you for a nominal fee.)
Here Is What Other Men Have Said About This Digital Book…
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“This book completely changed my life. Finally, I understand how to have a happy, healthy sexual marriage where I have the ultimate decision in the overall outcome of my relationship. Gone are the days of me finger pointing to my woman stating “she’s just being a b” or “it is her time of the month” or “she’s a cold fish” OR AND MOST Importantly “this might be good for some guys but you don’t know my woman.”I know what I did right, what I did wrong, and exactly what I must do next. No more guessing. No more trial and error. I finally have one system that I can make work. I personally have studied a lot of other products out there, and all I can say is this is the best without exception. I wish I had found this YEARS ago. With this book I finally know how to operate as a man that truly attracts my woman.
To close let me just give you a snippet from the eBook that says it all: With this book, you have received a loaded 5-shot “Wife-Seducing” gun. Not only is the gun loaded but it is tested and proven to work. However, it is up to you to take hold of the gun and “pull the trigger”.” |
— Kevin |
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Calle’s words of instruction in Wife-Seducer1-5 are astonishing. He approaches the topic of seduction in a way that is the least expected way. It is hard to grasp why he is saying what he is saying. There is so little refer to sex. You wonder, as you study and apply what he says if it will actually work. Yet, as you shift what he says into practical-do-it-this-way to excite seduction on your little lady, it is surprising. What he says works and it is not a temporary fix. You are left wondering why this works so well. Then, you probe below the surface. You realize he is into the very foundation upon which you can rekindle and form an everlasting bond with your wife. I most heartedly recommend this life-transforming work. It is worth every cent!” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
— Roger Willing |
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“The Wife-Seducer book, segments 1 to 5, has an ambitious title. With so many illusions and false promises in the market, it is difficult to believe that we can read one book and be able to successfully seduce women. And if this woman is the one that knows us to well, then it becomes even more difficult to believe. But for a book that talks on seducing our wives, the seduction tricks are conspicuously absent. Instead Calle Zorro surpasses the ambitious expectations of the title and provides a book for a new way of being, he is totally into truth, values, and honor. Our wives will not be seduced by false promises and cheap tricks, but by the reality of the high quality man we become. Such is the transformative power of this book.” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
— Eduardo F. |
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“This program was life changing for me. It brought to my awarenes insecurities and wrong thinking patterns I wasn’t even aware I had. This program gave me back my freedom. I am now a confident, masculine, and attractive MAN instead of a needy, reactive, insecure, and directionless person. It has brought me closer to the loved ones in my life in a healthy and positive way, and it has made my relationship with God stronger than it has ever been.” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
— Paul L. |
Once you have got this digital book, here is what I can confidently assert … when you start using the concepts and secrets contained within “How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura” your wife WILL KNOW that you are a new, different and more powerful MAN. She will drawn to the sense of security that you have, the charisma that you have, the greater confidence that you have, the greater power that you have.
In terms of taking your marriage relationship to the next level, this is “must get this right now” information…
How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segments 1 – 5 – How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura)
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How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 6 — How To Be A MAN of Purpose And Money)
Now, this may at first seem as if it has nothing to do with seducing your wife … but I am telling you it has a LOT to do with you being able to seduce your wife. A woman WANTS to be WITH a certain kind of man. If you are familiar with my teachings, you know that the first two things she wants in a man are:
- A man who knows and understands what her needs are and who meets her needs on purpose so that she is free, open, and inspired to satisfy his needs.
- A man who thinks, behaves, and operates in a way that is appealing, attractive, and sexy to her. She wants a man who can handle himself AND her appropriately.
I cover these two things in my marriage bundles. (See Create A Happier Marriage Relationship With More Affection, More Intimacy, And More Sex)
But here, I want to talk about the third and fourth things a woman wants in her man: purpose and money.
With regard to purpose, a woman wants to be with a man who is going somewhere in life that is meaningful and important … and she wants to feel like she is an integral part of where her man is going … so that she feels like she is going somewhere too. Look around and it is easy to find a wife who is in the postcard-picture-perfect house … with the standard society-approved two kids … a husband who works at a family and friends approved job … and the thought that screams through her mind nearly every day is, “I want more than this!”
Now, it is not that this wife is unhappy with what she has. It is not that she is ungrateful for all the blessings in her life. The issue is that she realizes she and her husband are not really going anywhere in life.
She recognizes that she and her husband are on a treadmill doing nothing but paying for “stuff”. And, what a wife really wants … your wife … is to be a part of something with her husband that is significant and meaningful.
A wife wants to be with a MAN of PURPOSE. She wants a man who understands what his purpose in life is and who is actively engaged in fulfilling his purpose. She wants a man who wants her to join in and help him fulfill his purpose. When she has this kind of man, THEN, she has what her heart is screaming for.
Now, stay with me here … I am just like you … you and me both have learned from experience that when somebody starts trying to sell us “financial advice”, it is time to make an exit because the person generally cares more about lining their wallet with our money than helping us financially.
So understand, I am NOT here to persuade or convince you of anything financially. I am NOT here to tell you to save money, contribute to a 401k, or any other such common money-advice. I am NOT here to tell you what you should or should not do with your money. If you are like me, you already get more than enough offers for financial advice, investments, and business opportunities by email, newspaper, and TV as it is.
What I AM interested in sharing with you comes WAY BEFORE financial and investment advice. What I DO want to share with you are apparently “secret” concepts because nobody uses them except wealthy people. What I DO want to share with you is how to become a man who HAS money … and, what you do with the money once you have it is your business and up to you.
OKAY, let’s get back to our topic…
With regard to money, well, it goes without saying that a wife would rather be with a successful, prosperous husband than an unsuccessful, nearly-always-broke husband, does not it?
And besides, wouldn’t you just rather be a man of means … not only for yourself, but for your wife and family too?
Well, if you consider the course of your married life … and all the time, energy, and effort you have expended … along with the sacrifices you have made … in the area of money, I would guess the answer is a definite, “Yes!”
A Man’s Top-Three Biggest Issues…
Now, all of this is important because if you were to look at the list of a normal man’s top-three biggest issues, here is what you would find:
- Wife (How do I successfully connect with, relate to, interact with, understand, and handle my woman? How do I maintain an affectionate and intimate relationship with her?)
- Money (How do I get enough money to pay for everything and have enough left over to be able to enjoy life too?)
- Purpose (Where am I going? What am I supposed to be doing? What is the meaning in my life? Is what I am doing worthwhile?)
For the first item, I again refer you to: Create A Happier Marriage Relationship With More Affection, More Intimacy, And More Sex
For the second and third items, I recommend what I am talking about here:
“How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 6 — How To Be A MAN of Purpose And Money)”
Two Of Life’s Most Important Questions…
Inside this digital book, you will get clear, practical answers to these two questions … answers that you can do something with:
- What is MY specific purpose in life? No hocus-pocus fluff and stuff … what is MY REAL purpose in life?
- How do I attract more and more money into my life? How do I get money to come to me? How do I become a money magnet? How do I get the money to pay my bills, provide for my family, enjoy life, and live my life on purpose?
In relation to these two questions, I am wondering:
- Do you have the INcongruence within yourself … that many people have within themselves … that is separating you from YOUR purpose and prosperity? I reveal what this incongruence is on page 4.
- Do you know what your “talents” are? Well, they are a composite of four specific areas and if you lack clarity in these four areas … as most people do … then you will not be able to fulfill your purpose in life. Starting on page 9, you will get absolute clarity and understanding.
- Are you aware that by answering and acting upon one, single question, you can instantly begin fulfilling your purpose in life? You get the exact question on page 22.
- Do you know what the difference is between a person who has no drive, ambition, or motivation and one who has unlimited, unbounded drive, ambition, and motivation? The answer awaits you on page 25.
- Do you understand why people who clearly want and need more money do not have the level of money in their life that they want? The answer is underlined for you on page 31.
- Do you know the five ways you can start attracting money and other good things towards you? If not, the five ways are listed out for you on page 32.
- Are you one of those who says you want more money and yet you are actually blocking yourself from receiving it and do not even know it? The middle of page 38 may be a real eye-opener for you.
Any one of the concepts underlying the above-listed questions could be life-altering for you … and realistically, several of them WILL BE life-altering for you.
But, there is more to the digital book than just the bullets listed above … there are more secrets revealed inside this digital book that are so powerful that I am not going to spoil them here.
Now, I realize these are pretty strong claims. I realize that if you do not know me, you may not believe me. But, I still boldly make these claims because:
- At one time, I was the guy seeking answers to purpose and money.
- I read anything and everything I could find on the topic of purpose and money.
- Wherever I could find a man of purpose or money (and in a few rare instances, a man of both purpose and money) … who would talk with me … I questioned and probed his mind to learn all I could from him.
And, you know what?
Not one book or person was able to help me answer my questions about purpose and money. But, over time, I was able to piece together a cohesive whole … and once I did that, my life was forevermore altered for the better … and I am completely confident that yours will be too.
I know … another strong claim … but I KNOW that what is inside this digital book defines exactly what men of purpose and money think and do … and you might as well join me in their ranks!
How You Get From Where You Are To “There”…
Now, here is the best part: the WORKSHEETS. These worksheets are specifically designed to take you from where you are RIGHT NOW … which is probably a vague, ambiguous, ethereal, confused, muddled sense of what your purpose is … to EXACTLY what your specific purpose is … and how to begin fulfilling it RIGHT NOW.
Moreover, the worksheets will EMPOWER you with complete CLARITY and UNDERSTANDING of what you can do RIGHT NOW to attract opportunities to you and money into your hands.
But, let’s make sure this is a fit for you…
Is This For You?
To decide this is for you, consider these three questions:
- How is this different from what other people say about purpose?Simple! This reveals your purpose in life to you RIGHT NOW so that you can begin fulfilling your purpose RIGHT NOW. In contrast, others who talk about purpose basically tell you that your purpose is something you will understand once you are on your deathbed … that at the end of your life, you will be able to look back and see how all the parts and pieces fit together and what the meaning of it all was.Or, they essentially tell you that you have to go up to a high mountain somewhere and meditate for however long it takes for your purpose to be revealed to you.To me, these commonly accepted viewpoints are not very satisfying or practical. That is why I wrote “How To Be A MAN Of Purpose And Money” … so that men could have a satisfying and practical answer to the question “What is my purpose in life?” … and they could have it NOW.
- How is this different from what other people say about money?Easy! This actually reveals HOW to attract, draw, and GET more money into your life. In contrast, other books about money basically tell you to think more positively and to be more successful by being more decisive, by managing your time better, by being more focused, and so on. They tell you about saving money, creating a budget, etc. They tell you all this “stuff” but they do not ever seem to get around to explaining exactly how to get more money into your life.But, in “How To Be A MAN Of Purpose And Money“, I skip past all the “stuff” and I just simply tell you how to attract more money into your life.
- Does this have a spiritual or religious orientation?Yes it does … a decidedly Biblical / Christian orientation. If you want to be a man of purpose and money, you must be aligned with the source of these things … God. A real relationship with God underlying all that you do is a must if you are to fulfill your purpose in life and attain enduring, lasting success. Without God, life is a never-ending chase after things that bring no fulfillment … every road ends up being a dead-end … every shadow is lined with fear … every endeavor ends up having no meaning … relationships turn out dissatisfying and unfulfilling … there is no lasting satisfaction or peace.NOTICE: Before you get this digital book, you need to know that “How To Be A MAN Of Purpose And Money” references scriptures in the Bible and expresses the Christian message.This is both a spiritual AND a practical / pragmatic digital book. If you are not comfortable with a Biblical and Christian perspective, if you do not believe or agree with what I have just said about God, then this digital book may not be for you.Having said this, the ideas in this book can have a powerful impact on the lives of all men, regardless of spiritual or religious beliefs.
Now, let’s talk about what else you get with this segment…
You Get Help And Support From The Author And Others…
With your purchase of “How To Be A MAN of Purpose And Money“, you also get
access to a private forum where you can discuss the contents of this digital book with other men who have also purchased it. Over and over, men talk about how incredibly valuable my forum is because of all the help, support, encouragement, and advice they get. I fully expect it will be just as valuable to you.
And, there is still more that you get…
You Get A Hotline To The Author…
Moreover, should you need it, you get direct access to me, the author. I intend for “How To Be A MAN of Purpose And Money” to make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your life … and that means you should have access to me if you need it. The entire objective with this digital book is for you to become a man of purpose and money. Therefore, if you need something more than what the digital book gives you … if you need something more than what the private forum gives you … then you are free to email or call me up to 3 times at no additional cost. (Should you need more than three calls, I am still available to you for a nominal fee.)
What Other Have To Say About This…
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“How To Be A Man of Purpose and Money” is a powerful digital book that has come into my life at exactly the right time.For years I struggled in vain to extract a sense of happiness and personal worth from external sources. I have a great job and have enjoyed incredible career growth. I have a beautiful wife and two great kids. I have a comfortable home with a manicured yard, two cars and more material wealth than any person needs. I have lots of friends, hobbies and cool life experiences. I have all the things that society tells us will make us happy … yet I was not happy.
In fact, I was the opposite of happy. Two years ago I was miserable, stressed out and ready to walk away from my whole “wonderful” life. The whole thing felt pointless. At that time I prayed to God to help me understand what I had to do to be happy in the world. Since that time, God has led me on a long and winding path of personal growth. He led me to resources that helped me to understand why I was unhappy, and what I had to do to break the cycle of ego gratification that I was living in. Most importantly, God helped me to understand that happiness is not something that we can get from the world. Happiness is something that comes from within. This is the core message of “How To Be A Man of Purpose and Money”. God put you on this earth to do something special. With this digital book, Calle Zorro will help you to determine what that special something is. Calle will help you to determine what your particular gifts are, and how to use those gifts to their fullest potential. Calle will help you tap into your God given poential, and start living life to its fullest. If you are tired of chasing your own tail in the eternal rat race of modern life, then do yourself a favour and purchase a copy of “How To Be A Man of Purpose and Money” . Take control of your own destiny and start the journey to true fullfillment. |
— Louie Black |
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Calle,
I have had this feeling for several years now that something was missing from my life. However, I could not figure out what it was. Just a nagging feeling of unfulfilledness. I have spent my whole life working hard to achieve a nice home, nice cars, a happy family, prestige at my job. I have reached those goals. Why do I still feel that something is missing? I must say that I found myself asking these questions. “What is my purpose in life?”, “How do I find the inner peace and happiness that I so much desire?”, “How do I attract more money?”. Finding the answers to these questions seemed impossible. I have just finished reading “How To Be a MAN Of Purpose And Money”, Segment #6 of the “Wife Seducer series. I TRULY feel that the answers to my questions were right there in front of me. Even if in the back of my mind, I knew I needed a purpose, I had no idea what it was or how to find it. I wish to “THANK YOU” for giving me the knowledge that I had been searching for. I now feel that I not only know what my purpose is, I know what I need to do to achieve it. You have completely inspired me to set and achieve new and exciting goals. Again, THANK YOU. |
— Richard Jungst |
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Reading this digital book was one of the best things I’ve done for myself in years. As a man reeling in an unsatisfying relationship and always feeling that there was something fundamentally wrong with me from the inside. I was desperate for anything to sooth the pain and find a road map to myself.
Having read LOTS of self-help books, I can say with some justification that this is the most spiritual, calming, healing guide that I’ve ever encountered. This book provides a roadmap to a building an essentially sound relationship with yourself and all the while unlocking keys to money success. All we have to do is make the time for ourselves to uncover our own issues and work with-in the principles laid out in “Purpose/Money” to correct them. I’ve read the book two times in a row, including highlighting, underlining, and dog-earring the pages. This is like a User’s Guide to unlocking yourself. Please savor this book. Race through it the first time, if you must, but read it slowly again to really understand what the author is trying to teach us. Again, this was one of the best spiritual (for lack of a better word) books that I have read in a long time. There are a lot of books out there about personal growth, building wealth and success, but this one really hit home and was easy to understand. Sometimes it is all in how the message comes across and the author does a great job in doing just that. I highly recommend Purpose/Money for anyone looking to take an inward adventure into themselves and a more fulfilling successful prosperous life. And there is a forum with direct feedback from the author and others, that have read or are reading Purpose/Money. |
— Kevin Bowman |
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“Before reading this book I had a vague notion of what my purpose in life was. This book turned my “vague notion” to 100% CERTAINTY! Now.. I don’t have to question whether I am doing the right thing or not trying to fulfill my purpose. It is not just a “hobby” for me anymore.. it is my God given PURPOSE.Calle has given me a PUSH in the right direction and I am now ACTIVELY pursuing my purpose in life. I am having fun, making money, and serving others. My wife can’t help but notice that there is a new ENERGY around me. It is exciting! I have no doubt that one day very soon.. I will be getting PAID to fulfill my purpose enough to do it FULL TIME.
Thank you Calle, ALL of your works are inspiring and this one takes it up a notch!” |
— David Bibby |
Once you have this digital book, here is what I can confidently assert … When you start using the concepts and secrets contained within “How To Be A MAN Of Purpose And Money” your wife WILL KNOW that you are a new, different and more powerful MAN. She will quickly become aware that you are a MAN who is GOING SOMEWHERE. She will notice the ever-growing good that is flowing into your life. There is no telling how much your wife will like what she sees in the new you.
How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 6 – How To Be A MAN Of Purpose And Money)
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How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 7 — How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His Wife)
This is a powerful, advanced-level digital book that is uniquely designed to reprogram a husband into a manly, masculine, confident, powerful, secure MAN who is attractive, appealing, desirable, and sexy to his wife. This is for the husband who is tired of always wanting his wife while she virtually never wants him.
This digital book is 200+ pages of intentional mental revamping and rewiring so a husband is able to create in his wife the desire for him that he has for her.
Inside this digital book, a husband will find out why the most commonly recommended marriage advice of “learn to communicate better” may well be the absolute WORST advice he could ever receive and act upon — and what he ABSOLUTELY MUST DO INSTEAD if he wants a SEXUAL wife.
A husband will discover dozen’s of “twists” and “reversals” like this one that the average husband does not have a clue about but that the wife-seducing husband who gets lots of sex knows ALL about.
It really is all in the “knowing”.
Bottom line, this digital book is for the husband who wants to become a “Man’s Man” and who wants to create an “I want you!” response in his wife towards himself.
Inside this digital book, you will find real answers and powerful solutions. For example:
- Undoubtedly, you already know that confidence is mandatory if you want to be attractive to your wife. But how do you REALLY “get”, “have”, and “do” confidence? Well, by the end of this book it will be crystal clear to you and people will be calling you “MR. Confidence”.
- What is the one thing you absolutely must understand about your wife if you want to succeed with her sexually? If you do not know, you have zero chance of her feeling any real attraction or desire for you after your first 6 – 12 months of marriage. Sadly, the majority of men do not understand this one concept which is exactly why they have a wife who is a good friend but not much else. But, in this book you will get this little-known, even less-used secret and have a wife who is a lover to you instead of just a friend.
- It is no secret that the typical husband wants more sex with his wife. But, do you know what the top 5 mistakes are that he makes … that CAUSES his wife to avoid sex with him? You better know so you can AVOID making these mistakes … and GAIN access to your wife’s sexual nature that she has mostly kept hidden away.
- What is the secret to having the kind of personal power that triggers a sexual response in your wife?
- How does a man overcome a disadvantaged childhood and become a highly attractive, desirable man?
- So, the typical husband wants more sex with his wife … but she is not offering it up for free … so he initiates a conversation … and what is the end result? Less sex, right? Or even worse, his wife gives him some “pity” sex once or twice and then cuts him off sexually even more than before. Obviously, this was not what the husband wanted … so he goes back in for another conversation … and his sex life spirals downward even more than before. Some husbands stay stuck in this backfiring model their entire life. But not a wife-seducer. The wife-seducer has a very, very different way of interacting with his wife. Find out how to interact with your wife in a way that causes HER to WANT more sex instead of less.
- How do you abolish those self-defeating, undermining fears and insecurities that cause you to lose out with your wife sexually?
- Here is a super important one for you: on one level, the typical husband cares a lot about what his wife thinks of him … while at the same time he is mostly oblivious to the level that invokes a sexual response in his wife.. In contrast, the wife-seducer could care less what his wife thinks of him because he is focused on taking care of the level that invokes a sexual response in his wife towards him. Would you like to start interacting with your wife on the level that invokes a sexual response in her?
- Do you know what it is that a wife-seducer does to his wife’s mind that causes her to start fabricating sexual scenarios in her mind? Would you like to get your wife fabricating sexual scenarios in her mind about you and her?
- Why is it that the typical husband is constantly in the position where he has to try to get sex? And, why is it that the wife-seducer never has to try to get sex because he is just always getting it? Well obviously, the wife-seducer has positioned himself in a very different way … and would you like to position yourself in such a way that your wife wants to give her sexuality to you?
- Do you realize that the husband who wishes his wife was more sexual with him actually has a wife who is angry at him because he is not the kind of man who can bring out her sexual nature for the two of them to share and enjoy together? That is why this man’s wife is so disrespectful, resentful, bitter, spiteful, and hateful towards him in the area of intimacy. That is the surprising shocker that the wife-seducer understands. He understands that the more a woman talks and acts as if she does not want or need sex, the more she needs a man who is strong enough that he can create a sexual environment for her to enjoy with him. The question is, do you choose now to be a wife-seducer who is strong enough to create a sexual environment for you and your wife to enjoy?
- How do you separate yourself from the herd of husbands who get non-sexual results with their wife? What exactly needs to happen? What precisely needs to change? Find out inside this digital book.
- The typical husband’s “seducing” attempts are generally nothing more than manipulative, coercive, guilt-inducing tactics designed to pressure and force his wife into being sexual with him. Of course, his wife rejects his seduction attempt and resents him for it. In contrast, the wife-seducer has a very different way of seducing his wife … a way that causes his wife to love him, desire him, and sex him … and she thoroughly enjoys every minute of his seduction. So how about it? Are you ready to get your wife liking, wanting, and enjoying you seducing her?
- The typical husband wants his wife to be hot and horny but he has no idea how to get her feeling this way. In contrast, the wife-seducer knows the secrets that cause a woman to be sexually turned on. So, do you want to know the secrets that go hand-in-hand with your wife being hot and horny?
- If you look at what really is, it is apparent that the typical wife really does not care about what her husband wants. It does not matter to her if he is happy, satisfied, or fulfilled. It especially does not matter to her if he gets the sex he wants. In fact, more often than not, her attitude shows evidence that she does NOT want him to have any of these things that he wants from her. In other words, her husband’s needs have zero priority to her. In contrast, the wife of a wife-seducer places TOP PRIORITY on making sure her husband is happy, satisfied, fulfilled, AND sexed. The question is, are you ready to become the kind of man your wife gives top priority to?
Now, everything I have just listed out comes from the first 50 pages of this digital book … and there is another 180 pages of pure wife-seducing content that I am not even going to mention just because it would take up too much space here. But, consider this: you either find out how to cause your wife to feel attraction and desire for you … or you default into causing her to feel non-sexual towards you. Those are the only two options that exist in a husband / wife relationship. Here is the deal: you alone get to make the choice as to which option you want in relation to your wife. But, if you decide that you want your wife to feel attraction and desire for you, then you want to get “How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His Wife” right now.
There is more…
You Get Help And Support From The Author And Others…
With your purchase of “How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His
Wife“, you also get access to a private forum where you can discuss the contents of this digital book with other men who have also purchased it. Over and over, men talk about how incredibly valuable my forum is because of all the help, support, encouragement, and advice they get. I fully expect it will be just as valuable to you.
And, there is still more that you get…
You Get A Hotline To The Author…
Moreover, should you need it, you get direct access to me, the author. I intend for “How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His Wife” to make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your life … and that means you should have access to me if you need it. The entire objective with this digital book is for you to become a man who is attractive, desirable, and sexy to your wife. Therefore, if you need something more than what the digital book gives you … if you need something more than what the private forum gives you … then you are free to email or call me up to 3 times at no additional cost. (Should you need more than three calls, I am still available to you for a nominal fee.)
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Dear Calle
I just completed reading the “Wife Seducer” segment #7 in your series. WOW! This segment alone has the ability to change many marriages. But together with the rest of your system, I can’t imagine any woman resisting a man with this knowledge. Your insight is just simply AMAZING. I cannot thank you enough for all that you do. You have not only saved my marriage, you have taken my life to a place I never thought possible. Before I had found your system, my marriage had been through a couple of extremely difficult years. The constant arguing and belittling of each other had left both my wife and I feeling that there was just simply no way to save our relationship. Neither of us wanted to end our marriage, but we simply did not have a way to get out of the downward spiral that we had been living. Your system brought us back from the brink of divorce, to a place that we are once again happy with each other. My marriage is now built on mutual respect and admiration. Even the sexual part of our marriage that had been missing for years has returned. Unfortunately, for myself, even though things seemed to be so much better, the experience of those few years had left me feeling that I had somehow lost a part of my masculinity. I felt that even though she had a newly found respect for me, she still felt that she was a step above me. She had the power to take it all away any time she wished. When I finished reading the “Wife Seducer” segment #7, I had found the answer I was looking for. It gave me back that piece of masculinity that I had felt I somehow lost. Over the last few weeks since reading this segment and applying the knowledge within it, I now feel like a complete man. I have regained the strong masculine attitude that attracted my wife to me to begin with. I am now filled with a confidence and strength that my wife cannot resist. This strength has not only affected my wife, but all the people in my life. My family, my boss, and many of my employees have not just noticed the change; they have complimented my newly regained strength. A few of my closest friends have made the statement “It is good to have you back, It is about time”. Calle, as always, I cannot thank you enough for what you do. You have truly turned my life around. God bless you.” |
— Rick Jungst |
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“Over the past few years I have read dozens of books on the subjects of marriage, masculinity and attraction. I wish that Calle had published Wife Seducer Segment 7 years ago so that I could have saved all of that time and money. This one book has made 90% of what I have already read obsolete.There is over 220 pages of life changing advice crammed into this one book. It encapsulates all of the major subjects discussed in other books on masculine energy and sexual attraction, and then goes even further. You cannot help but be changed by this book. After your first reading you will feel a huge increase in your masculine energy, you personal power and your confidence. You will know that you ARE a wife seducer.
If you are tired of feeling powerless in your marriage then you need to read this book. If you are tired of sexual rejection then you need to read this book. If you want to reclaim your masculinity then you need to read this book. If you are still not convinced then consider this. When I started reading Wide Seducer Segment 7 I had not had sex with my wife in three months. Within 48 hours of starting this book, I had one of the best sexual experiences of my married life, and I I made it happen using the techniques described in this book. This is powerful stuff.” |
— Louie Black |
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“After 25+ years of mostly happy marriage, drift set in. The conflict and distance between my wife grew more and more toxic. Seemed like I was climbing Everest and losing my way. I felt tired, frustrated and angry. Hopeless. There didn’t appear to be a future for us. Being a “nice” guy wasn’t working. Neither was being a jerk. That “no matter what” commitment we made a long time ago started feeling more like a curse than a blessing.Surfing for some ideas on marriage improvement, I ran across Calle’s material.
All of it is good, but the breakthrough for me was Wife Seducer 7. Putting the big ideas from this book to work must be a little like stumbling into Everest base camp to find oxygen, a hot meal and a little shelter from the storm. WS7 gave me real insight for managing the biggest monster on the mountain: my fears, uncertainties and doubts. And renewing my trust that no matter what happens, a higher power is in control. Visualizing good things has an amazing way of making good things happen. We’ve taken a step back from the abyss and reconsidered. A lot of good remains. Smiles laughs and tenderness, long MIA, have made a comeback at our house.” |
— Vern H. |
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“By page three I knew I hit the jackpot with your writing – again!” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
— Howard Sherman |
By the time you have absorbed and implemented the contents of this digital book, here is what I can confidently assert: YOU WILL BE THE MAN OF YOUR WIFE’S FANTASIES!!!When you start using the concepts and secrets contained within “How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His Wife” you will begin pushing every attraction hot-button and trigger your wife has…
How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 7 – How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive And Desirable To His Wife)
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How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 8 — How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual)
As we are progressing down the path of becoming a better and better wife-seducer … the kind of man who knows how to operate in such a way that his wife WANTS to be his loving, affectionate wife and she WANTS to be his passionate, sexual lover … we pause in this segment to deal with a special kind of problem that some husbands have. Specifically:
- How does a husband open up a wife … who is mostly always in a bad mood or upset about something … to warmth and lovingness?
- How does a husband get past his wife’s resistance to affection and intimacy when he has already done all of the things that the “normal” wife would respond positively to with affection and sex? In other words, when a husband has done everything that a “normal” wife would absolutely respond positively to (everything that I reveal here: More Affection, More Intimacy, More Sex), and his wife is still cold, distant, unfriendly, shut-down, or non-sexual, what does a husband do then?
- And especially, how does a husband create a happier, more affectionate, more sexual marriage relationship WITHOUT conflict and without “drawing lines” that could potentially end his marriage relationship?
Let me say it this way:
- How does a husband open and blossom his wife’s affection and sexuality when he has already used all of the normal, commonly-known ideas and techniques?
- How does a husband move his wife from reserved, slightly-cold, indifferent, unaffectionate, not-very-expressive, and not-very-adventurous-sexually to warm, affectionate, expressive, and sexually-adventurous?
- How does a husband help his wife … who has pretty much always been cold, distant, unfriendly, non-affectionate, and non-sexual … to become a warm, close, friendly, affectionate, and sexual wife?
- How does a husband get his wife to open back up to him in love, affection, and intimacy after she has closed herself off to him and shut down her feelings for him … and she will not let herself forgive or forget the bad that he has done in the past … and she will not accept or work with her husband’s present efforts to be a good husband … and she will not allow herself to have feelings for him so that they can finally move forward into a pleasant marriage?
Well, if you have a wife like I have described in these questions, you already know there is no easy answer or solution to these questions because you have already tried everything you know of. But now, I have brand-new material for you … ideas, strategies, tactics, techniques … answers and solutions … that I am confident is beyond anything you have ever seen or heard before.
Here is what I can absolutely promise you: by the second page of this segment, you will know that this is NOT the same old rehashed, regurgitated information that sort of helps but does not really fix anything that is commonly “preached” across the internet or in marriage counseling offices.
In creating this segment, I have spent extensive, earnest time in prayer asking God for answers and solutions that will make a real difference in a marriage where the wife is cold, shut-down, withdrawn, aloof, distant, non-affectionate, non-intimate, and non-sexual.
I have spent hundreds of hours brainstorming for answers and solutions … after having talked for hours and hours with men whose wife refused to respond positively to their efforts to create a more affectionate, more sexual marriage relationship.
And, I have spent hundreds of hours studying the human mind, what makes it tick the way it does, and how to get it ticking in a different way … just so I could help men know how to open up their wife to more affection and intimacy.
This segment is the result and it is for the husband whose wife really is a “hard case to crack open” … and for the husband who wants to enjoy the highest-quality relationship with his wife that he possibly can.
Inside this segment, I answer questions such as:
- What is it that a husband must do to and for his wife if he wants her to be passionately interested in sex?
- What is it that the wife-seducer gives his wife in sex … that the typical husband is totally oblivious to … that causes her to want sex more and more?
- The wife of a wife-seducer will pretty much always give an enthusiastic, passionate “Yes” to sex at any time. In contrast, the wife of the typical husband will pretty much always resist, defer, procrastinate on, block, or decline her husband’s sexual advances. So, what is the wife-seducer giving his wife that causes her to say “Yes” that the typical husband is not giving his wife and he thereby causes her to mostly say “No”? When the wife of a wife-seducer says “Yes” to sex, what is it that she is really saying “Yes” too … that the typical husband hasn’t given his wife the opportunity to say “Yes” to? When you know the answer to these questions, your marriage relationship cannot help but start going in a better direction.
- The higher a woman’s self-esteem, the more affectionate and sexual she will be. The lower her self-esteem, the less affectionate and less sexual she will be. So, the obvious question is, how does a husband boost his wife’s self-esteem to the point she is a more affectionate, more sexual person?
- The typical husband responds to his wife’s resistance to sex in such a way that he creates an even greater resistance to sex in his wife. But, there IS a way to respond to your wife’s resistance that actually creates and stimulates desire within her towards you. The “way” is revealed inside this segment.
- What is a husband supposed to do with a wife who suppresses certain feelings such as (but not limited to) sexual desire? Why does a wife suppress these feelings? What is going on inside of her mind? And, what is the solution to stopping the suppression?
- How do you manage and lead a wife who does not respond to logic? How do you manage and lead a wife who is driven by her emotions? How do you transform a wife with negative emotions (and the corresponding unhappy, unpleasant, non-intimate marriage relationship) into a wife with positive emotions (and the corresponding happy, pleasant, intimate marriage relationship)?
- Let’s say your wife comes “blasting” at you in full-bore anger or some other negative emotion. How do you defuse her negative energy … and more importantly, how do you immediately flip her around into her feeling respect, appreciation, and desire for you? Well, you can respond the way the typical husband responds that usually results in him being in the “dog-house” for a few days or weeks. Or, you can skip the “dog-house” experience and use this technique to create a closer, warmer relationship with your wife. (In using this technique on my wife, I have more than once created an IMMEDIATE sexual response in her towards me that she “had to satisfy” right then and there.)
- Why is it that the typical wife will initiate sex about once every 2 – 3 months … or even less often than that? More importantly, what can a husband do to make sure sex happens WAY more frequently?
- If you could find and push your wife’s positive, motivational “hot buttons”, would you be able to better influence her and persuade her to open up to you? The answer is, “Absolutely!” and I reveal exactly how to do this inside this segment.
- Why do some wives avoid and reject certain sexual experiences … such as oral sex … that can be so wonderful and can really add to a relationship? More importantly, how does a husband open his wife up so that she wants to enjoy these other sexual experiences? The answers are inside this segment.
Plus, there are many, many detailed strategies, tactics, and techniques inside this segment … any one of which could be the very item that creates the major breakthrough in your wife that you have been wanting and seeking.
For example, you will discover the break-through power of:
- The “Two-Minute” Tactic — If you have a wife who is almost always too stressed, too tired, and too worn-out to be warm, friendly, or intimate with you, then start using this tactic on your wife right away and watch the positive change that starts taking place.
- The “White-Out” Strategy — A wife who is turned off towards her husband will argue that she just feels the way she does and there is nothing she can do about it. She may even tell her husband that she wants to feel attracted to him but that she just cannot seem to get there. So, if your wife says she wants to be in love with you but just cannot seem to feel that way towards you, then this strategy is custom-built just for you.
- The “Turning A Wife’s Mind And Emotions Towards Her Husband” Strategy — If you could get your wife to say “No!” to negative thoughts about you and to instead say “Yes!” to positive thoughts about you, that would be a very good thing, yes? Well, that is exactly what this strategy will do for you.
- The “Getting Past A Negative Event” Strategy — How does a husband help his wife get past some negative “event” from the past that she is holding on to and using as a “block” to a happier marriage relationship? He uses this strategy, that is how.
- The “Nymphomaniac” Strategy — What is it that causes some females to be highly promiscuous? Well, there is a certain thought pattern that is going through their mind and in this strategy I describe how to get this same thought pattern going through your wife’s mind.
Now, I have NOT listed everything that is inside this segment. There is so much more that I have not mentioned. For example, there are a number of “speeches” and “stories” included that a husband can use as needed in the process of opening his wife up to be a warmer, more loving, more affectionate, more intimate, more sexual woman.
Bottom line, “How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual” is for the husband whose wife really is a hard case to crack open … whose wife really does need fixing. But having said that, this segment will also help ANY husband … even one who already has a good marriage relationship with his wife … become an even more powerful man who is able to turn his wife on towards him even more.
The next thing is this…
You Get Help And Support From The Author And Others…
With your purchase of “How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual“, you also get access to a private forum where you can discuss the contents of this digital book with other men who have also purchased it. Over and over, men talk about how incredibly valuable my forum is because of all the help, support, encouragement, and advice they get. I fully expect it will be just as valuable to you.
And, there is still more that you get…
You Get A Hotline To The Author…
Moreover, should you need it, you get direct access to me, the author. I intend for “How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual” to make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your life … and that means you should have access to me if you need it. The entire objective with this digital book is for you to find a way to get your wife to be warmer, friendlier, more open, more affectionate, more intimate, and more sexual. Therefore, if you need something more than what the digital book gives you … if you need something more than what the private forum gives you … then you are free to email or call me up to 3 times at no additional cost. (Should you need more than three calls, I am still available to you for a nominal fee.)
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I think of all the books, Segment #8 is directly addressing my wife’s/our relationship’s specific problems. My wife was definitely raised in a home where “sex is bad”.
Her mother was also the dominant force in her home, seriously overpowering all the other personalities, including her father, and that carries over into our relationship. My wife definitely has esteem issues, and I think they are one of the foremost problems that I need to overcome. This is really exactly what I need to address some of the thorniest points in my relationship. |
— Forum Member |
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WS8 is exactly what I need! My wife had very low self esteem when we were first married, and it has risen dramatically in that last few years. However, her sexual self esteem can still improve. I am not complaining at all. I just recognize areas that I, as a man, need to encourage and blossom her. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
— Forum Member |
By the time you have absorbed and implemented the contents of this digital book, your wife is going to know that you ARE a high-quality, high-value man that ANY woman would LOVE to have … and that she BETTER step up and do her part lest some other woman steal you away from her…
How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 8 – How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual)
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How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 9 — Step By Step, How To Give Your Wife A Blow-Her-Mind Sexual Experience (And Do Some “Fun” Things To And With Her That She Wouldn’t Normally Let You Do))
If your wife is not as sexual as you would like for her to be … if you do not have sex as often as you would like…
If your wife is unwilling to be sexual with you in the ways you would like for her to be … for example, she refuses to enjoy oral sex with you … or she limits you to very basic, plane-Jane, vanilla sex…
If your wife is “not into” sex with you … if she claims she has no need, interest, or desire for sex…
If your sex life used to be good but has become stale and boring…
If your sex life lacks the kind of passion and excitement you really want to share with your wife…
If your lovemaking encounters with your wife generally aren’t very good and you just cannot seem to figure out how to consistently create “good sex” with your wife…
If your wife is blocking herself … and you … from great sex…
Then this segment is for you.
Consider this…
Do you realize that you can give your wife an orgasm … or even several orgasms … every time you sex her … and yet, still be rated as a bad lover in the secret, private recesses of her mind?
It is true.
A LOT of guys know how to give their wife an orgasm … but they are more or less clueless about how to be the kind of lover who creates passion, excitement, and MEANING when they make love with her.
The worst thing of all is that most of these guys do not even know that their wife considers them a bad lover because she would never dare tell them the truth.
Now, here is something you really need to know and understand…
Sex that is MEANINGFUL is the ONLY kind of sex that a woman wants FREQUENTLY!
Sex that is primarily PHYSICAL … sex that is mostly about two people having an orgasm … is the kind of sex that a woman only wants INFREQUENTLY … which is why so many husbands live in a very dissatisfying sex life.
But, once a woman gets to experience MEANINGFUL sex with a man, it will be something she wants all the time with him!
Think about what this means to you…
When YOU know how to create MEANINGFUL sex, that is when you will finally be able to get your wife to want sex as much as you want it … that is when you will be able to get your wife to have the same frequent desire for sex that YOU have.
I refer to MEANINGFUL sex as “super-sex” because for a woman, having meaningful sex translates into super-sex.
Super-sex is what a woman wants all the time … and I believe that you are a man who wants to be able to satisfy your wife with super-sex, right?
Now, in considering your own personal sex-life, if your wife does not want sex all the time with you, then that probably means you have not yet learned how to give her super-sex.
Again, you may very well give her orgasms every time you have sex with her … but that is not the same thing as being a lover who knows how to invoke lovemaking that is exciting, passionate, and meaningful … that is not the same thing as giving her super-sex.
This is really important so let’s go a bit deeper…
A common belief is that IF a husband can somehow find a way to physically give his wife more physical pleasure during sex, then his wife will want sex more frequently.
And so, hoards of men intently study female anatomy … they are obsessed about knowing every “spot” on a woman’s vagina … and then, when they FINALLY get their wife to agree to have sex with them, they do their best to apply what they have learned … and their wife “seems” to have a good time … and then she’s right back to NOT wanting sex for another month … or two or three … and these guys cannot figure out what is wrong.
Well, right here and now, I am going to give you an eye-opening, mind-expanding revelation…
A healthy female can literally have an orgasm when a man is doing nothing except kissing her neck … or massaging her breasts … or by not even touching her at all … and only saying words to her.
How can this happen? How can a woman have an intense orgasm when her lover is not even touching her clitoris … her vagina … her g-spot … or anything around her vulva area?
Here is the answer: for a woman, great sex is when a man does certain things to her mind
… that causes her to think and feel certain things … and the physical touch is totally secondary to that.
Now, all normal women are capable of having an orgasm without any genital stimulation … but unfortunately, it is rather uncommon because the typical woman has received so much bad programming and conditioning around the subject of sex throughout her life that she’s not “open” enough or “willing” enough to let her mind go into her orgasmic place without physical stimulation.
And besides, creating an orgasm in your lady with little to no genital contact kind of defeats the purpose of sex … right?
So obviously, there is no value in trying to create that kind of outcome.
But, here is what IS cool…
When you find out how to do certain things to your wife’s mind … when you find out how to cause her to think and feel certain things … and you combine that with all the physical female anatomy knowledge that you already have … THEN you will FINALLY be able to create such outstanding love-making sessions that your wife WILL WANT to have sex more frequently.
Really get what I have just shared with you…
You can literally give your wife an amazing, incredible, outstanding “physical” sex encounter … and all you will have done is “satisfy” her so that she has no more need for sex for a long time.
Sound familiar?
This is the “brick wall” that millions of husbands keep running into … and getting nowhere with their wife.
Their “BELIEF” is that IF they can give their wife a more amazing physical experience, THEN she will want sex more often.
You have learned from first-hand experience that more powerful a physical experience you give your wife, the longer it will usually be before she wants sex again, haven’t you?
My friend, HERE is your breakthrough…
WHEN you find out how to do certain things to your wife’s mind … that cause her to think and feel certain things … THEN you will have FOUND THE SECRET TO GETTING YOUR WIFE TO WANT MORE SEX MORE OFTEN!
In other words, a focus on the physical side of sex only SATIATES a woman’s desire for sex. But, when you focus upon creating certain thoughts and feelings in your wife’s mind … THEN you can instead create within her an INSATIABLE desire for more sex.
Now, I am not a crass man … I am not a foul-mouthed person … but, we are talking about your personal sex life here, so I am going to be plain, blunt, and direct here so that you really, really get what I am revealing to you…
WHEN you find out how “mind-fuck” your wife, THEN her desire for sex will rise dramatically. She does not have a strong need for frequent physical sex … but she DOES have a VERY strong need to be “mind-fucked” … and the more she gets “mind-fucked” by you, the more she wants the sex that comes with the “mind-fuck” you are giving her.
This is the secret that men who enjoy frequent sex with their lady have figured out … while the rest of the guys in the world foolishly and ignorantly continue their search and quest for some mystical “physical secret” that will magically create so much physical pleasure that it forces their lady to want sex more often.
And, this erroneous, false “belief” in men is understandable since males are so “physical” in their sexuality … so much so that it never occurs to them that it is very different for females.
Moreover, for the typical male, a female orgasm is a very, very erotic, exciting, and desirable thing to him … such that that it logically seems like the obvious answer to his sexual problems has to be related to somehow giving his lady a better orgasm.
And so, for these reasons … and some other ones besides … men continue to butt their head against the “brick wall” of trying to find the ultimate female genital physical stimulation secret that will finally fix their sex-life problems … and give them the relationship with their lady that they crave.
Unfortunately, this approach only leads to more disappointment and continued frustration … for both husbands and wives.
The good news is that you CAN find out HOW to be an EXCITING LOVER … a creator of passion, excitement, thrill, and intensity … a giver of super-sex … a builder of increased sexual desire in YOUR wife.
You CAN find out HOW to become the kind of man who your wife has been dreaming of sharing herself with sexually since she first became aware of her inner sexual desires…
You can find out how by going through this wife-seducer segment.
Now, let me tell you what this segment is not…
First, it is NOT about threesomes, swinging, or anything that brings outside people into your marriage. It is NOT about perversions such as including animals in your sex-life … or any other such vileness. If you are looking for information on perversions such as these to destroy your marriage with, then you will have to find someone else to teach you how to do that because that is NOT what I do.
But, if you would like to enjoy every conceivable GOOD sexual pleasure that a husband and wife can share together in the privacy and confines of their marriage, then this segment is exactly the right thing for you.
Second, this segment is NOT just about physical vagina-pleasuring techniques. It is not just about how to twiddle your wife’s clitoris or how to massage her g-spot. It is NOT just about sex positions. Now, I do cover plenty of heightened-pleasure-inducing physical techniques … and I do mention positions in the program … but these are all incidental and secondary to the more important super-sex core that I reveal in this program.
You are a man who has been interested in sex for a good while now … you have probably already went through a boat-load of information on female anatomy, physical technique, and sex positions … so it is highly unlikely that these things are the source of your sex-life problems.
After all, you DO know how to give your wife an orgasm, right?
And yet, your sex-life is not on the level that you want it to be on, right?
This segment goes into an entirely different level … it goes to the super-sex level … and this is the level that is entirely missing from most men’s lovemaking repertoire.
This segment is about the process of lighting … no scratch that … it is about the process of TORCHING passion, excitement, and desire within your wife … so that you find yourself enjoying fun, satisfying, fulfilling super-sex on a regular, frequent basis.
Inside this segment, over the course of the 133 page digital book and the 5 hour and 20 minute audio-recording, I reveal many things and answer many questions. See if some of these questions are ones that you want answers to:
- What is the secret that some men know that causes their wife to be “addicted” to sex?
- What is the surprising source of a woman’s resistance to “fun” sexual things you would like to do with your wife?
- Why are some women highly orgasmic while other women are decidedly non-orgasmic?
- How do you overcome the body-image reservations and insecurities that your wife has?
- What is the secret “move” that will move your wife into deeper intimacy and more open sexual expression?
- Why are some women only able to orgasm with a very specific kind of stimulation … such as only with a vibrator … or only with oral sex … while seemingly unable to orgasm via the many other forms of stimulation?
- What is the #1 aphrodisiac that WILL trigger a strong sexual response in your wife? (Hint: it is NOT chocolate, Spanish Fly, or any of the other common things that men have tried but that do not work.)
- How do you get your wife to start liking sexual things that she has previously not liked?
- Do you understand why starting a love-making encounter with kissing is just about the worst thing you can do? More importantly, do you understand what you should do instead?
- What is it that REALLY makes your wife feel sexy? Once you know this … and begin using it on purpose … watch out because your wife will be coming after you sexually!
- What a woman will do sexually is dependent upon the man she is with. So, what do you need to do in order to be the kind of man that your wife will be sexually open, adventurous, and passionate with?
- What is the one thing you must do to your wife’s mind that will allow great sex to follow … that the majority of husbands never do … which is why their sexual encounters are usually lacking in excitement, passion, and adventure?
- Do you understand how your well-intentioned compliments may be turning your wife off sexually … and motivating her to avoid sex with you in the future?
- The “motive” that a guy has when he goes into a love-making encounter can either motivate his wife to avoid sex with him for the foreseeable future … or, it can motivate her to want more sex all the time. So, what is the right motive that serves to motivate your wife to want more sex with you all the time?
- How do you fix things when you are in a sexual encounter and your wife is showing little to no passion? What can you do to get your wife to quickly join you on a highly passionate sexual level?
- “Dirty talk” is such a fun, powerful part of good sex … so how do you open up your wife and get her comfortable talking dirty with you … especially if she has always rejected dirty talk in the past? (I give you a very specific process that has been proven to work.)
- What is the specific “state” that a husband can take his wife into that will completely open her up to wild, crazy, hot, passionate sex with him?
- How do you give your wife different kinds of orgasms so that she is always wondering what the next orgasm you give her is going to be like?
- How can you routinely lead your wife into ENJOYING oral sex with you … even if she has historically always refused and rejected it with you?
- What is the proper way to escalate your wife’s sexual desire?
- What is the proper way to tease your wife sexually?
- Why do women in general claim they want more foreplay from their husband … but then a wife turns around and tells her husband that she does not like foreplay? What is the deal? Well, you better know the answer to this one because foreplay in the traditional sense is a desire-killer for most women … and your efforts to give your wife foreplay may in fact be squelching her desire for sex and the level of sexual passion that she is willing to share with you.
- What are the fears you must get your wife past … every time you have sex with her … so that she can be open to exciting, passionate sex with you?
- If you are making love with your wife, and things seem to be going a bit stale, bland, or boring, what are some “heat intensifiers” that you can apply to your wife that will immediately raise the “hotness dial” and get things back to fun and exciting?
- How do you change what your wife feels while you are sexing her?
- What are the two most important things that YOU need to do when YOU have an orgasm?
- How do you make sure that your wife never becomes bored with having sex with you? This is important because many a marriage was sexual at the beginning … but then the wife became sexually bored with her husband … to the point that now, she no longer has much of a desire for sex with him. If you want a great sex life, then you really cannot afford to be a sexually boring husband.
- How is it that men unwittingly create negative pressures and negative emotions in their wife that cause her to close up and avoid the “fun” kind of sex that they are wanting to enjoy with her.
- What causes a woman’s ability to orgasm to erode … and more importantly, what causes a woman’s ability to orgasm to improve?
- How is it that a woman can be highly orgasmic with one man … and highly non-orgasmic with another? More importantly, how can you make sure that your wife is highly orgasmic with you?
In short, this segment is an in-depth analysis of how to give your wife a blow-her-mind sexual experience … and do lots of “fun” sexual things to her … and with her … even if she previously would not let you do these things.
Plus, there are many, many detailed strategies, tactics, and techniques inside this segment … any one of which could be the very item that revolutionizes the quality and quantity of sex you and your wife enjoy together. There is in-depth discussion about:
- How to properly pleasure your wife’s breasts.
- How to properly pleasure and finger your wife’s vagina.
- How to give your wife proper oral sex.
- How to bring your wife to orgasm faster and more powerfully.
- How to expand and extend your wife’s orgasm.
- How to sex your wife in all the major positions … including what is important to your wife in each position … and how to transition between all the positions that you want to enjoy in a given lovemaking encounter.
- How to read your wife’s secret communications and signals … so that it seems to her as if you know how to read her mind.
Bottom line, by the time you finish absorbing the contents of this segment, you will be a sexually confident lover who sexes his wife in such a way that she becomes addicted to sex with you … not to mention the fact that your sex life will become a whole lot more fun, exciting, and adventurous. Seriously!
The next thing is this…
You Get Help And Support From The Author And Others…
With your purchase of “Step By Step, How To Give Your Wife A Blow-Her-Mind Sexual Experience (And Do Some “Fun” Things To And With Her That She Wouldn’t Normally Let You Do)“, you also get access to a private forum where you can discuss the contents of this digital book and audio recording with other men who have also purchased it. Over and over, men talk about how incredibly valuable my forum is because of all the help, support, encouragement, and advice they get. I fully expect it will be just as valuable to you.
And, there is still more that you get…
You Get A Hotline To The Author…
Moreover, should you need it, you get direct access to me, the author. I intend for “Step By Step, How To Give Your Wife A Blow-Her-Mind Sexual Experience (And Do Some “Fun” Things To And With Her That She Wouldn’t Normally Let You Do)” to make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your life … and that means you should have access to me if you need it. The entire objective with this digital book and audio recording is to make sure that once you enter into a sexual encounter with your wife, you know exactly what to do … from beginning to end … such that the two of you enjoy hot, passionate super-sex that thrills and satisfies both of you.
Therefore, if you need something more than what the digital book / audio recording gives you … if you need something more than what the private forum gives you … then you are free to email or call me up to 3 times at no additional cost. (Should you need more than three calls, I am still available to you for a nominal fee.)
Customer Testimonial | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WS9 really opened my eyes and has made sex much better with my wife and I. I have been giving her in the bedroom what she has been really looking for.
Now, when my wife has sex with me, she gets the real thing. Now that I understand what she really needs during our sexual encounters she is really enjoying it and opening up even more. She has become more seductive and is really opening up her “Nymph” side more and more. It rocks… lol. It has also made her want to have sex more and she is initiating sex more and more because she now knows she will get what she was previously missing from me. WS9 skills are like CRACK to Women! Anyway, I give WS9 a 100% approval. It has made a big difference to our relationship. I know my wife was missing what I now give her during sex. Thanks for creating WS9 as it has helped me tremendously!” |
— Forum Member |
By the time you have absorbed and implemented the contents of this digital book, your wife is going to know that she has been made love to by a real man … she is going to know that you have given her the rare gift of super-sex…
How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide (Segment 9 – Step By Step, How To Give Your Wife A Blow-Her-Mind Sexual Experience - And Do Some “Fun” Things To And With Her That She Wouldn’t Normally Let You Do)
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More About The Private Forum…
At this point, I need to make something very clear … this is NOT about pitching some digital books at you and then telling you, “Good luck, hope it works out for you.” ABSOLUTELY NOT! That is NOT how I do business. That is NOT how I help you get what you want in your marriage.The digital books reveal what to do, why you do it, and how to do it … they give you the understanding along with the strategies, tactics, and techniques needed to end up with a transformed wife … and sometimes a guy needs more than that … sometimes he needs customized help … help that is specific to HIS situation and circumstances.
That is why you need to know that an IMPORTANT PART of what you get is ACCESS to the:
PRIVATE “Married And Happy” Forum
This is your back-end support depot … this is the “place” where you get any personalized help you need. This is where you get to interact with and get help from other men who have already used the material contained in these digital books to create a happier, more sexual marriage for themselves.
And, I am telling you, some of these guys are SUPER SHARP! Some of the insight they share with guys who are in all kinds of marriage situations just amazes me. In other words, these are guys who are serious about having a loving, affectionate, sexual wife and what they have to share is significant and meaningful.
Now, just so you have the right idea … this forum is NOT like other forums I have seen on the internet. In other forums, there is a bunch of nonsense … there is thread after thread of people “flaming” each other … there is post after post of people bickering and feuding as they try to prove they are right and others are wrong … there is spam post after spam post … if you have been on other forums, you probably know what I am talking about.
I can assure you … the private Married And Happy forum is NOTHING like that. Everything on this forum is positive, up-beat, encouraging, and supportive. This is a community of quality men who want help and who want to be a help.
But, more importantly than all of that, this forum WILL change your marriage relationship and your sex-life for the better. You cannot help but be enlightened in all sorts of useful and important ways as you browse around the forum.
Think of it like this: the digital books give you a master’s degree in how to seduce your wife. The forum gives you a doctorate’s degree.
Bottom line, this IS a very special place and for the sake of your marriage relationship, you really must experience it.
Also, this may or may not be important to you but just in case it is … this is safe, private, and secure. You can be as anonymous as you want to be. You can get all the help you want without anyone knowing “who” you really are.
Now, consider what this private forum means to you in terms of you getting the happy and sexual marriage you want … is it starting to sink in that this is the real deal for you?
More About The Open Hotline To The Author…
This should be the clincher that lets you know this is the real deal in terms of you getting the kind of marriage relationship you want. If the digital books do not give you what you want … if the private forum does not give you what you want … then you are free to email or call me up to 3 times at no additional cost. (Should you need more than three calls, I am still available to you for a nominal fee at this link: Marriage Relationship Help By Phone)
When it comes to creating a happy, sexual marriage, I am the expert! I am the guru! Now, I do NOT say this out of arrogance, ego, or false-pride. I humbly say it because it is true.
The fact is, there is nobody else in the world like me. By the time you get through my materials, you WILL know for yourself that this is true … you will join the ranks of those who say my materials are “amazing” and “inspired”.
So, what is behind my claim that I am THE expert in creating an affectionate, sexual marriage?
I have devoted 25+ years of my life to finding deep, meaningful, powerful answers to one SINGLE question: “How does a man create a happy, loving, affectionate, and sexual relationship with his wife?”
When you devote this much time to a single question, you become THE expert! And YOU have access to me as your personal, private marriage relationship mentor!
That is REALLY worth something because I HAVE a happy and a highly-sexual marriage … and that is the way it is been for over 20 years now … and you can undoubtedly benefit from having someone “in your corner” helping you get the same kind of marriage.
Permit me to emphasize what I just said. Not only do I help men create a happier, more intimate marriage, I ACTUALLY HAVE A HAPPY, SEXUAL MARRIAGE. I say this because it astounds me how many relationship coaches and marriage counselors COME TO ME to get help in their own private relationships.
Let me say it this way: I read, study, and apply MY OWN MATERIAL because IT REALLY WORKS!
Your Safe And RISK-FREE Guarantee…
Each one of the “How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide” products is guaranteed and completely SAFE and RISK-FREE for you to try. Here is my specific guarantee:
“This SYSTEM of information, help, guidance, support, and mentoring (Digital Books, Private Forum, and Phone / Email Help) will either give you the knowledge, understanding, insight, and awareness that enables you to better seduce your wife or I will completely refund every penny of the money you paid for this system. Here is how it works: Get this SYSTEM. Read through the digital books. Avail yourself of the forum. Call on me personally. At that point, you WILL have what is needed to GET THE AFFECTIONATE AND SEXUAL MARRIAGE YOU WANT.
But, if I do not deliver what I have promised you here, then you should ask me for a refund – and I will promptly issue one to you.” |
As you read through that MONEY-BACK, RISK-FREE, GUARANTEE, I hope you realized that this IS safe for you to try. You can only win in this deal. Either you learn how to better seduce your wife or you get a refund. And, I will provide you RIGHT NOW … UP FRONT … IN PUBLIC … with the contact information where you would request a refund if these materials fail to help you create the kind of marriage that you want. You would either call me at (918) 814-3480 or you would send me an email by clicking this link:
Now, this guarantee is real and I absolutely stand behind it. But, let me make sure we are both staying grounded in reality. If your marriage has been deteriorating for years … and you are just now coming to me … because your wife has started sleeping in a different room … or she is talking about separating … or divorcing … or she has ran off with another man … or you are already separated … then I obviously cannot guarantee you the kind marriage that you want with your wife if she is already departing or estranged.
Now, if you are in this situation, I CAN tell you that IF ANYTHING will bring your wife back into an affectionate, sexual relationship with you, it is the information, help, guidance, support, and mentoring that I offer to men.
And, I can tell you that many of the men who come to me with a crumbling marriage ARE able to recreate an affectionate, intimate relationship with their departing or estranged wife by applying my teachings.
But again, if you are in the late stages of a crumbling marriage, I cannot guarantee that you that we will be able to create the relationship you want with a departing or estranged wife.
You know I would be lying to you if I told you anything otherwise.
But, what I am guaranteeing you is that this system of information, help, guidance, support, and mentoring will enable you and empower you to create the kind of marriage you want … whether it is with your current wife … or, if it turns out to be too late with her, another woman.
Stated differently, I cannot guarantee WHO the woman will be … but I can guarantee you that I can and will help you create an affectionate, sexual relationship with A woman.
Either way, I will give you my very best. I am serious about helping you. I am NOT playing games. This is NOT a hobby or some mere side interest. Helping men create a happy, sexual marriage IS what I do … it is who I am … it is my God-given calling and purpose … it is why God placed me on this earth and caused your path to cross with mine at this time.
On your side, get this ONLY if you are going to give it your best too.
Now, notice specifically that this is NOT a “tire-kicker” guarantee. This guarantee does NOT cover buying the program, flipping through it briefly, and then asking for a refund.
If all a guy wants to do is flip through something, then he should go to a bookstore, find the section that contains books on marriage, flip through a few of them, and then leave. It will not cost him anything other than time and travel costs … and he will go home to the same kind of marriage relationship he had before he walked into the store!
So, understand that refunds will only be given in the event that you have, (1) went through the entire set of digital books, (2) participated sincerely in the private online forum, (3) redeemed your three coaching phone calls / email exchanges with me personally … and, if after all of that, you can honestly say that you still do not understand how to better seduce your wife, then I will absolutely refund your money.
Of course, I have made sure that the ONLY result you can get from this program is a clear understanding of exactly how to better seduce your wife … which means do not get this program unless you want to better understand how to seduce your wife in a way that works for you and for your wife.
Another point to clarify: as stated, what I am guaranteeing is that this marriage program will give you clear knowledge, understanding, insight, and awareness about how to create a great marriage. So, disagreement with something I say within the program … or disagreement with some stance or belief that I express within the program … is NOT a valid reason to request a refund. Whether a person agrees with the content is immaterial to its legitimate articulation of marriage principles that are proven to work. So, know up front that no refund will be given for reasons of disagreement over the program’s content.
Moreover, non-use or non-implementation of the program on your part is NOT a valid reason for a refund. This program contains the information that a man needs … along with the support a man needs … in order to be able to create the kind of marriage he wants. Therefore, no refund will be given to a man who does not avail himself of this information and support.
Bottom line, if you genuinely want to create the kind of marriage you really want to have and to enjoy … if you sincerely want to be a man who gets great results with his lady … then get this MARRIAGE SUCCESS PROGRAM. From there, do your part … I will do my part for you … and YOU can enjoy the awesome results for the rest of your life.
But, You Should Pass On This If…
There are some who should just pass on the information I have to share with men. Check and see if you are one of them:
#1: If an occasional Bible reference is something that you do not agree with or appreciate, then this is not for you.
While the subject matter I write about in these digital books is all about learning how to seduce your wife in a way that works both for you and for your wife, I do come from a Christian frame of reference.
On the flip side, my teachings are NOT the watered down, keep letting your wife misbehave and abuse you … while you just love her … kind of fare that you find in standard Christian marriage relationship books. My materials are about creating REAL results in your marriage as quickly as possible.
#2: If you are the “professor” type who is big on how much you know … and not much on applying what you know … then you should just skip this.
If you are not ready to receive … and to implement … then there is no sense in wasting your time or mine. I am serious about helping men create a top-notch marriage … and if I am going to help you, I need you to be serious about it too.
And, you can be sure that creating a marriage relationship that is filled with affection, joy, intimacy, and pleasure is NOT a mere academic exercise where all you have to do is answer a few questions on a test about something you have heard about before … and again, if that is what you want, this is not for you.
#3: If you want everything to be your wife’s fault and nothing to be your fault, then you will not be happy with this.
The fact is, there are issues on both your part AND your wife’s part … and we have to start with your part first … then can we deal with your wife’s part second.
But, if you are not ready to accept responsibility for your side of the equation … and to start making improvements on your side first … then you should pass on this.
Do You Want To Learn How To Seduce Your Wife In A Way That Works For You And For Her?
Okay, can I help you get what you want in your marriage relationship? Well, if you can honestly say that…
- I want my wife to be more loving and affectionate towards me.
- I want a happier, more satisfying, and more fulfilling marriage.
- I want a peaceful, harmonious relationship that my wife and I can both enjoy.
- I want my wife to think about sex with me more.
- I want my wife’s sex drive to increase.
- I want my wife to become more open about her sexuality.
- I want more excitement and passion in me and my wife’s private life.
- I want to be the man with the skill and confidence to really excite my wife.
- I want to make sure my wife is happy at home with me so that she never leaves me or cheats on me.
- In the event my wife has “messed up”, I want to make sure she never has a need or a desire to do it again.
Then YES, I can help you. If these are the things you want, then all you need to do is say “Yes!” to the “How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide” products that are right for you. You can have complete confidence that this material will work for you just as it has worked for others … so go ahead and pick the Segments that you feel are best for you…
“How To Seduce Your Wife: A Husband’s Guide” |
How To Be A Secure, Charismatic MAN Who Projects A Manly Aura (Segments 1 – 5) Product successfully added to your cart.View Cart
How To Be A MAN Of Purpose And Money (Segment 6)
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How To Be A MAN Who Is Attractive, Desirable, And Sexy To His Wife (Segment 7) Product successfully added to your cart.View Cart
How To Open Up A Wife Who Resists Being Affectionate Or Sexual (Segment 8) Product successfully added to your cart.View Cart
Step By Step, How To Give Your Wife A Blow-Her-Mind Sexual Experience (Segment 9) Product successfully added to your cart.View Cart
*** Special Offer *** Get All 9 Segments Now And Save $35 Product successfully added to your cart.View Cart
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Now, if there is some question that I have not answered … or if you have any reservations … even if you just want to make sure that I am a real person and that this is the real deal … pick up your phone and call me directly at:
(918) 814-3480
When you call, I will be happy to take a few minutes to let you tell me about your situation, answer any questions, or address any concerns or reservations you have. (Note: calls are taken between 8 am and 6 pm Central time.)If you do NOT have any reservations, then that means you are comfortable enough to go ahead and get the products that are right for you.
One last point before I go … if you consider the money side of things in the constricted time-frame of just RIGHT NOW, the cost of these bundles can seem like a lot of money … and you may well CHEAT YOURSELF out of a lifetime of good.
But, if you will expand your time-frame … if you will step back and consider the longer-term … you will realize that this is an INsignificant amount of money compared to the GREATER enjoyment, satisfaction, and pleasure that comes from being able to seduce your wife again and again for the rest of your life.
So, do not cheat yourself. Instead, say “Yes!” to this offer of help. Get the happy, pleasant, satisfying, enjoyable, loving, affectionate, and highly-sexual marriage relationship that you really do want. Click the above “Add To Cart” button that corresponds to the products that are right for you.
Calle Zorro
PS: Cause your wife to be more loving, affectionate and sexual with you! Get the knowledge, understanding, insight, awareness, and ability to GET THE HAPPY, AFFECTIONATE, AND SEXUAL MARRIAGE YOU WANT … one that you can enjoy for the rest of your life … the kind that you have always wanted. Decide to become a wife-seducer today! Learn how to seduce your wife in the way that works both for you and for your wife.
If You Are Still Not Open To Learning How To Better Seduce Your Wife, At Least Get This (It’s FREE)…
If you are still afraid to buy … or if you have a legitimate reason why you need to wait a little while before you buy … at least sign up for my COMPLIMENTARY “Men’s Interest Newsletter” in which you will get fresh ideas for more sex, more intimacy, more passion, and more respect from your wife. You can get your complimentary subscription to my newsletter here:
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