Have Sex More Frequently: Cover The Basics Of A Sexual Connection

have sex more frequently

Husband, would you like to have sex more frequently with your wife?  Well, if you are like most husbands, the answer is, “Definitely yes!”  But here is the truth, no matter how much a husband may want to have sex more frequently with his wife, it is not going to happen unless the husband establishes and maintains a sexual connection with his wife.

Unfortunately, too many husbands are not even covering the basics of creating and carrying a sexual connection…let alone the things that come after the basics.  And consequently, they stay stuck in a marriage relationship where they want to have sex more frequently but they can’t ever quite get there.

So, in this article, I am going to cover just a few of the basics that can get you moving towards a more sexual connection with your wife.

(Note: If you want the things that come after the basics that developed men use to really create and maintain a sexual connection with their wife, then get my program.)

Let’s start with some questions…

When was the last time you slowed way down and just touched your wife in a way that conveyed to her that you “liked” her?

When was the last time you stopped what you were doing and looked your lady so deeply in her eyes that it almost stopped her heart?

When did you last have a real conversation with your lady that forged a powerful connection between the two of you?

Now, before you gloss over these questions, consider what they mean…

Husbands incessantly want to have sex more frequently with their wife…but they are not touching her in those non-sexual ways that open her up to sexual touches.

Husbands incessantly want to have sex more frequently with their wife…but they are not giving her that eye-contact that causes her to access her feminine/sexual side.

Husbands incessantly want to have sex more frequently with their wife…but they are not communicating with her at that connecting level that takes her into a sexual connection.

Fellows, it is the non-sexual forms of intimacy that pave the way to sexual forms of intimacy.

So, if you are a husband who wants to have sex more frequently with your wife…but it is not happening for you…then perhaps you should check up on the frequency of which you touch, look, talk, and connect with your lady.

As YOU diminish the frequency at which you do these things, YOU cause the frequency of sex to also diminish.

As YOU stop doing these things, YOU cause your relationship to become more like a platonic brother-sister relationship than a spicy, steamy, passionate husband-wife marriage.

Now, ask yourself this question, “Would I rather have a roommate or a lover?

If you would rather have a lover, then it is time for you get back to some basics and do some things that you know to do.

Frequently hug your wife. Touch her in a positive way.

When you talk to your wife…or when she is talking to you…look her in the eyes. If there is never an eye-connection, there cannot possibly be a sexual connection.

Engage in connecting talk every day. What good things happened today? What lessons did you learn? What examples of what works well and what does not work so well did you observe? What inspiring things happened in the world today?  Share these kinds of conversation with your wife.  Then, invite her to share some of the same kinds of conversation with you.

But, do not stop there. Make sure that you find something you appreciate in and about your wife and EXPRESS that to her. Then, invite her do the same back to you.  Never forget, appreciation PRECEDES affection.

There is another benefit to all of this besides the sexual one: the more you connect through touch, eye-contact, talk, and time, the less petty little things will annoy you and your wife and the fewer fights the two of you will have and the more peace you will enjoy together.

If such simple, little things can effect such BIG changes, why wouldn’t you do them?

If doing the basics can start you into a more sexual connection with your wife, doesn’t it make sense to do them?  Well…

If you want to have sex more frequently with your wife, then you must consistently cover the basics of touch, eye-contact, talk, and time in a positive and attractive manner.

Copyright 2018 by Calle Zorro

Husband, This Is THE Solution If You Want An Affectionate, Sexual Marriage Relationship With Your Wife. Click here.